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  After riding with lady stark, her men, and bronn for days, we had made a stop for food and water and essentials. Bronn and I had taken a seat at a rock far back from the rest of the crowd while lady stark talked to tryion Lannister.

I sat swaying along to the singers soft music. I have no idea why he had decided to follow along on this trip but who am I to talk. I just thought this would be a fun story. I do remember hearing him say this might make for good songs in the future. Bronn had been sharpening his blade since we sat down. So sharp that you could shave a big spiders ass with it.

The Lannister went on about his father and gold and all the stuff the he thought to convince lady stark to free him. His arguing didn't work. She was a stubborn woman. Sudden realization struck me as I was listening to the two argue and bicker.

I shot a look to bronn who was also loosely listening to there arguing. Looking up at them through his eyebrows. I tapped him roughly on the shoulder and broke him out of his trance. He looked up at me from his leaning stance confused. "You can't say a word about me being a greyjoy. The starks and Greyjoys don't exactly get along. They have my brother on winterfell as a hostage." I said in a whisper tone holding onto his shoulder.

A smirk made it's way onto bronns face as he leaned farther away from my face. "You met me just days ago and you're trusting me to keep your secrets?" He said still smirking.

I sighed and thinned my lips as I nodded my head. "Please? I wouldn't ask if it wasn't a risk." I asked him practically pleading to him now. Before bronn could even answer the sound of an arrow hitting the young singers harp rang through everyone's ears.

Instinct struck bronn and I as we quickly drew our swords to fight back against what I assume are hill tribes. Before I could start fighting I was distracted by watching bronn effortlessly slay the hill tribesmen. It was practically muscle memory for him. He was so dreamy to watch, he looked so good while doing what he was best at.

Suddenly and painfully I was broken out of my dreaming by a rock to the back. I let out a cry of pain before turning around and swiftly stabbing the man closest to me in the neck. After that first kill it was all over as quickly as it began.

I jogged to catch up to bronn Approaching tryion stabbing a man in the face with a sheild. The man was clearly dead by now but he just kept on jamming it into his face. Once he had stopped, he looked around at all the bloodied boddies with a sad and worried look.

"Your first?" Bronn asked him as the two of us stood Infront of him. Tryion nodded still glancing around the battlefield. "You need a woman. Nothing like a woman after a fight." Bronn said breathing heavily. Both tryion and bronn looked to me with a look on their face I couldn't make out but I knew what it meant.

I looked between the two of them for a moment. "Dont look at me, I'm not sleeping with either of you. Look at her." I said putting my sword back in it's sheith and pointing at lady stark.

Tryion took his glance off of me and looked at lady stark. "I'm willing if she is." He said quietly. Bronn let out a wheezy laugh along side my quiet giggle. I could feel bronns gaze on me. I began to feel akward as he didn't take his eyes off me. I started to fiddle my thumbs and look around.

I took a deep inhale before speaking once again. "I am going to see if these men had anything cool on them." I said loudly to everyone and began to walk around checking the hill tribesmens body's for good weapons clothes or money.

After a bit of looting and preparing to ride on once more, I had found a cloak on one of the men that I decided to take. It was a long black cloak with shadow cats fur lining the neck of it. It was beautiful. It had a clasp in the front that was silver with a red ruby on in the middle of the broach. I picked up the cloak and clasped it around my neck with a big smile on my face, proud of my new find. I only took accessories by the iron price. The true iron born way. My father always told me 'only cowardly men pay gold'. So even when I ran away I kept true to my ways of only paying the iron price.

I turned around spinning the cloak behind me. I jogged back up to bronn and tryion who were sticking close together with the rest of the group. Bronn looked back behind him to me, smirking once more. "looks nice on you." He said lightly. The slight compliment sent butterflies to my stomach and a blush throughout my face. I grinned and looked down slightly.

"Thank you, bronn." I said to him before walking to my horse. As I circled my horse so I could look at bronn still, I saw tryion and him whispering about something within eachother. I couldn't help but think it was me they were speaking of.


We rode through the cliffs and mountains of the vale slowly. I rode next to bronn who was between me and tryion. The views around us were beautiful and jaw dropping. Tall mountains everywhere you looked, waterfalls and mist lightly painting the land around us.

Our horses stopped as lady stark began talking to two gaurds of the vale. I didnt listen to them. Why should I care.  Instead I looked around at the landscape, and then at bronn once more. Ever since I met him I couldn't stop looking at him and thinking about him. I don't know what it is.

As we continued on our ride Tyrion spoke. "the eyrie. They say it's impregnable." He said looking at bronn and I.

"I can see why." I said looking at the tall mountain of a building called the eyrie.

"Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes. I'll impregnate the bitch." Bronn said confidently. Something about what he said gave me butterflies almost immediately.

Tyrion and I laughed quietly. " I like you." Tryion said as we rode on. I smiled at the two of them. Bronn looked at me, he sent me a wink before his horse sped up.

I was left at a loss for words. Was he signaling something? Is he feeling the same things about me?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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