2 - Forgotten Friends

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"Everyone! We're here" JR said entering a cafe

In the Cafe, there was only one boy..Pratically empty

"Sup-Noona!" A boy said running up to me


"Uhh hello.." I said

"Hm? What's wrong with you?" He said

D-Did I say something wrong?

"You're always like Don't Call Me Noona! But now..." He said

"O-Oh..It's just that...You should have learnt your lesson by now Hyuk" I said


"Right-" Hyuk said

"Is it just you?" JR asked

"Ani, Donghae was here. He just went out to go-" Hyuk said until we heard the cafe door being opened

I turned around and saw a boy. He looked handsome. The cafe door opened again. Another boy entered
but he's panting a lot...Did he run?

"Yah L.Joe! *pants* you said you would *pants* let me enter first" The boy that entered said

"Mian. Didn't hear" L.Joe said

"Geez...Oh? Soyun!!" The guy said running to me spreading his arms wide to give me a hug

My body reacted to it and moved away. In the end, he hugged air..

"Aww you're sad.." He said

I just stood there..

"Anyways...Did you miss me? I know that this is surprising for me to appear out of nowhere but..hehe" He said

"H-Huh?" I said

"....What? Don't you miss me?" He pouted

"I....Of course I did!" I said going along with the flow

"Really??" He smiled

I nodded.

"How are you at work though?" He asked

"I-I'm fine" I said

He patted my shoulders.

"Keep up the good work" He said

"Neh.." I said

"Woohyun, get your hands off my woman!" Donghae shouted


"Well mianhe...geez" Woohyun said taking his hands off me

The door opened again. Jin walked in along with another guy and FINALLY,
A girl! She looked nice.

"Soyun!" The guy said smacking the back of my head

"Ouch.." I said

What was that for...Did I do something?

"You left your scarf at home! And you're sick! What if your cold worsens?" The guy exclaimed

"Chen, take it easy on your sister will ya?" Jin said



I found a letter

[Breakfast's in the microwave. Heat it up and eat it - Big Brother]


So...he's my brother..

"Jin's right. You shouldn't hit Yunnie like that.." The woman said

"B-But!-" Chen said

"No buts Chennie!" The woman said

Chen sighed in defeat.

"Here" Chen said handing me a scarf

"Is this..mine?" I said

"Huh? Did your cold got that worse to the point you don't even remember your belongings?!" Chen exclaimed

"Uh-" I said until Chen placed his left hand on my forehead and his right hand on his.

"Hmm...not much difference from before.." Chen said

"Ahem! Shall we start??" JR said

"Neh" We all said

"Anyways, for our vacation trip...it's being changed. The location will now be at Minah's vacation house in Japan that she owns" JR said

"Aww JR, you brag too much! I don't own it! My family does" The woman said

Oh...so she's Minah.

"Our family, you now mean" Chen said hugging both me and Minah

"Huh? Our Family?" I said

"Well yeah, since I'm married to her.
We're part of her family too" Chen said


"M-Married?!" I said

"Yeah.." Chen said in a obviously tone

"Oh.." I said

"What's wrong with you? You're acting strange today?" Jin said

"R-Really?" I said

Maybe I should tell them about my situation..that I don't remember much about everything

Don't Say It

Huh?? What was that voice?

Don't Say Anything. In Order To Continue, You Mustn't Say It


"Soyun? Soyun! Hello!"

I snapped out of thoughts. I saw everyone looking at me worriedly..

"Neh?" I said

"You okay?" Woohyun asked

"Maybe we shouldn't have the meeting today" Donghae said

"How about tomorrow?" Hyuk said

"We'll see..For now, let's all go home" Minah said

"Yeah" Everyone agreeded

Everyone started exiting the door. I walked out with Chen and Minah. We walked together home. During midway, Minah bid goodbye. We did the same thing.

"Soyun" Chen said

"Neh?" I said

"Why don't you call me Oppa anymore?" Chen said

"HUH?!" I exclaimed with my cheeks burning

"Ahaha! I'm just joking. Don't worry about it" Chen smiled

"Geez.." I said

"Okay, we made it. Now let's go in" Chen said

We entered our house. I took off my scarf and placed it on the table. I laid down on my bed.

"I'm going out to go shopping, I'll be right back" Chen said exiting

"Neh.." I said

I laid there and stared up to the ceiling. I heard rain pouring..and thundering outside.


I shot up from my bed..


Who....Who is it? Can't be Chen. He has the keys..


I heard a thud..I stood up and opened the door. I saw someone on the floor unconscious. My eyes widened. It's L.Joe!

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