Sorry I haven't posted in so long! I've been super busy with school. THE TEACHERS KEEP GIVING US STACKS OF HOMEWORK AKRHBDKIEBEKISBWLEJBDJWNWNOSJ. Lol ok rage done. About the drawing:
Lillian is 13 (turning 14 in August sometime), loves music (who doesn't?), loves reading and writing, loves drawing, and dyes her hair tips blue and purple. Ya that's all I can really think right now but hope you enjoy all my sketches and if you want more computer drawings or paper! Bia!

Luna's Graphic Art Book
RandomHey guys! This is ma art book where I will post ma art and random drawings and pictures I have. I also might post a video with it, such as a song I like or I listened to while making that art work. Enjoy my artistic work! :3