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Prodigy-P YN-y

YN Pov

????-hey beautiful

YN-who is this


YN-oh HI

p-hey wats up

YN-nun much wbu(what about you)

p-just chillin with my boys

YN-ok cool

p-what are you doing next friday night.

YN-nun hayy wanna go to the movies

p-sure meet me at 711 old times movie theater ... B)

YN-ok text you later prod peace

p-ok bye

Prodigy's Pov

man i wish i could call YN mine but we just met and that would be a little to early(see what i did there) so I'm good with taking it slow for now. .

Princeton's Pov

gosh i eish i new that girl with the belly cut heo kitty shirt. . But i bet she already has a boyfriend. .

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