just to make things better again

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ever since gwen had joined total drama, she had gained so many good friends like leshawna and gained enemies like heather. but there were the odd few who weren't exactly in any category at all. one of these people being an on and off friend, courtney

courtney could be nice. courtney could be mean. courtney could be anything in between. she was a C.I.T and used her lawyers to her advantage in the entirety of total drama world tour. that didn't stop her from getting voted off by her teammates. neither did that stop gwen from catching feelings

their only problem was duncan and he was massively in the way. it was a known fact that after courtney and duncan's breakup in the middle of world tour, duncan caught feelings for gwen and they returned the feelings for a while until she didn't.

things went sour once courtney found out about gwen and duncan kissing. she was outraged that someone who she saw as close would go behind her back and do that to her.

"you're a boyfriend kisser! that's what you are and that's all you'll ever be!" courtney's words hit gwen hard and they'd never be able to forget them nor could they go back on what they did

ever since, she was "the boyfriend kisser" and "new heather" and she hated it so fucking much she wished she left sooner because she would rather not be mocked and teased at every turn.

when gwen got invited back to revenge of the island, she prayed she wouldn't have to put up with any more of the "boyfriend kisser" stuff but wishful thinking was a joke at this point. she was going back to camp wawanakwa.

and there she was, courtney barlow. the girl she had dreaded to see but was there, glaring at her with unbridled rage. gwen wasn't meant to let it get to them but deep down it hurt just a little. all she wanted was to be civil.

chris bored everyone most of the day with the ground rules, challenges and his annoying voice and finally it was time to return to the cabins. gwen was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep but it bothered them how she couldn't even try to sleep peacefully.

luckily, she was alone in the cabin. they tore a page out of their notebook and scribbled down a quick invitation for courtney.

''meet me outside the cabin, we need to talk'

gwen quickly placed the note on courtney's bed and waited outside of the cabin for courtney. she was feeling anxious and nauseous but it was hard to tell if the nausea was from eating chef's food

soon enough, courtney arrived in outside of the cabin. she looked gwen up and down with a disgusted expression.

"well if it isn't the boyfriend kisser, what do you want from me? another boyfriend to kiss? you're out of luck." she said with aggression

"look courtney, i'm sorry. i don't know what i was thinking when-"

"i've heard enough gwen. i didn't come here to reason with you, it'd be better off if you just left me alone!"

"but courtney, you haven't heard what i've been meaning to tell you" gwen justified

"a sorry won't make things better between us gwen. actions speak louder than words" courtney huffed

"courtney, the only reason i came back here was because i wanted to make things right between us. i never should've kissed duncan and i'm sorry for how our relationship affected you" gwen explained genuinely

this made courtney's exterior crack. the fact gwen had come back to fix things felt like wishful thinking but to hear it from them made it seem possible to overcome

"no gwen" she continued "im sorry. i'm sorry for overreacting and making the rest of the campers hate you. i stooped to another kind of low. the unacceptable kind.. i want to make things right between us too"

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