3. 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦, 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦

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Sunset Shimmer and her friends stood completely still, wondering what could they do in such situation. If they didn't come up with a plan soon, not only them but other innocent lives would be doomed. Maybe even their entire world. Only thinking about such outcomes made them even more terrified than ever. There was no guarantee that those monstrous robots would show mercy if they surrendered and took their powers. They couldn't let any of that happen. Unfortunately, with each passed second the giants grew impatient and their blasters began powering up.

Before it was too late, Sunset instinctively moved in front of the group without thinking and spread her hands out of defense as fast as possible, "WAIT, DON'T--!"


Unexpectedly, she was interrupted by loud honking sounds that could be heard from afar. Everyone focused on the direction where the sound came from and were caught by surprise. A big rig truck, colored in red and blue, along with a dark green SUV by its side, both with bright headlights, were driving towards them at high speed.

The threatening giants were stunned for a second until one of them ordered, "It's the Prime and one of his soldiers! Eliminate them!" they rapidly aimed their weapons at the fast-approaching vehicles and started to shoot.

Since they were distracted, Sunset hurriedly took this opportunity for them to escape from the mess before anyone got hurt, "We have to get out of here, now! Go!" she shouted and the girls nodded in agreement. When they started running far from the fight, someone promptly grabbed Sunset's arm and pulled her back to stop, "Twilight, what are you-?!"

"Look!" the purple girl pointed to the ongoing combat. They could see how those evil robots were struggling to strike directly, the unknown drivers were successfully dodging every upcoming blast and increased their speed even more. At that moment, the truck's parts began to displace.

The girls gasped in utter disbelief as they watched. When the mysterious truck came closer to the shooters, they saw how it fully gained the form of a much bigger robot and punched one of the attackers so hard their head was thrown off far away, its only left body fell on the ground, completely immobile. The big one stood up, it had a gray face with blue optics, two sphere-shaped bases with antennas on each side of his blue helmet, red chest with windows from his vehicle mode, two wheels with pair of smokestacks attached at the back and four wheels at the back of his legs.

Before the two remaining faceless giants tried to get a good aim at him, they felt the ground shaking and heard big metal steps running from behind. After turning around to see who it was, they were greeted by a bulkier robot with dark green and black paint job along with blue optics, a black bar going through the top of his head, and a metallic jaw, "Surprise!" he shouted as his hand transformed into wrecking ball-like mace weapon and swung it with full force at one of their heads, in the process, it was crushed into pieces.

The last one hurriedly pressed something on the side of his head, "We need assistance this in-!" his communication was cut off by a powerful blast on his back and fell down, only to reveal the red and blue robot, standing from behind. His weapon cooled down, it had a circular form, blue light could be seen from the inside.

"That was close. Good thing we got rid of them on time." the green one notified.

The bigger giant turned around and noticed the tiny humans staring in awe, without moving a muscle. He examined them carefully, then his bright blue optics focused on the red-yellow haired girl, standing in front of everyone else as if she was protecting them from any more upcoming danger. He could clearly see the uncertainty which was resembled on her face.

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