It was salty who also hiding in the building he was shunting when it began he survives but cranky wasn't so lucky his whole face was gutted out and we all decided to check the clay pits bill was suspicious about a filmilliar shape and the was only one engine who had no cad other than stephan and we knew we lost fergus who was roasting in the fire we checked in the clay pits and saw deraks face ripped off and we had lost him the a filmilliar whistle came it was ben bill was pleased with ben then salty came and surprisingly the told his stortIt all began when ben was shunting with derak and fergus when the invasion began fergus ran off and got killed insanity when crashed into some trucks and was lit up in flames and hear him screaming ben raced back and saw a spitting sight deraks face was gone and then hid in the old mines the mines felt scary but he knew it was safe so night came to the island
sodors mastermind
Science Fictionsodor has been invaded by alian can bill save everyone?