Warm and safe?

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Books clenched to her chest Sara walks in alone heading straight to her locker.
"Hey!" Sara jumps in fright, Johnny chuckles turning her around, "You scared me!"Johnny chuckles hugging her tightly, his embrace making Sara feel safe and warm. Johnny tries to pull away, Saras embrace becomes tighter. Light chuckles leave Johnny, "Comfy?" Sara nods closing her eyes, "Your so warm and safe, I don't wanna move." Johnny smirks kissing the top of her head, "Should have let me stay last night, I would have kept you warm and safe all night." Sara giggles snuggling into him more,
"Don't move."
"We are going to be late."
"I don't care, this is the best I've felt in a while."
"Beautiful, how was your night out? Get laid?" Sara pulls away from Johnny a little, Zared standing right next to her smiling.
"Do you not recall texting Sara she was a whore last night? Or was that one of your other multiple personalities?"
"I called you a whore?" Zared takes his phone out, "I..... I'm sorry. I was pretty drunk last night....." Sara true her back to Zared,
"Walk me to class please." Johnny puts his arm over Saras shoulder guiding her away from Zared. "That was very strong of you."
"Maybe that's why I feel like throwing up." They both laugh stopping at Sara class,
"How about we skip."
  "I'd love to play hookie with you had it not be the second day of school." Sara groans wanting to cry, so much stress is causing her to shut down. "I can't be here." Sara takes her car keys out. "I feel like I can't breathe here." Sara's heart racing Johnny catches Sara as she passes out. "SOMEMONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Johnny shout out, his eyes filling with tears, "Call the ambulance now!" A crow surrounds Sara and Johnny, EMT'S rush in getting Sara in the gurney.
  "Are you coming with us boy?"
  "I'll follow." Zared grabs Johnny's shoulders,
  "What... what happened!? Where is she?! What did you do?!"
  Johnny pushes Zared off of him,
"I'm pretty sure your the reason for all the stress! Stay away from my girl!" Everyone looking at Johnny, how he just called Sara his girl. Johnny looks around his jaw clenched tight. "She's mine Zared so back the fuck off! Don't fucking come to the hospital or I'll have them kick your little ass out!" Johnny punches Zared in the face and walks out, Zared holding his mouth as it bleeds. Johnny in the waiting room with Roger, knee bouncing up and down, Rogers eyes catch Johnny filled with anxiety. "Hey...." Johnny looks at Roger,
"She going to be okay, she has to be. She is a survivor." Johnny smirks and nods, eyes filling with tears. "I just can't lose her, I liked her for so long and I waited, I stalled because I was scared."
"Don't waste anymore then, life is short. I don't mean that in a cliche kind of way, it's true."
"Are you Sara's uncle?" Roger and Johnny get up quickly, "I am, is she okay?"
"Maybe we better discuss this more privately." The doctor looking at Johnny the bad boy, "This is her boyfriend." Johnny looks at Roger. "Well then I thinks it best you know that your niece is pregnant." Rogers heart sinks in his chest. "Oh..... fuck....." Roger runs his fingers through his hair. "I don't even know who the father could be." Roger mutters to himself, Johnny clenched his eyes shut.
"It's me." Roger looks at Johnny his fist Gus into Johnny cheek, "HEY YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN OR WE WILL ASK YOU TO LEAVE!" Roger fixes himself, takes a deep breath, Johnny holding his cheek.
"I'm sorry."
"Dont be sorry, take responsibility." Johnny nods following the doctor to the room, Roger leans against the wall as Sara sleeps.
"So why did she faint?"
"Stress, lack of sleep. She needs to take it easy or she will have a high risk pregnancy."
  "Who the fuck said she was keeping it?"
  "Just giving you the information."
  "When can she leave?"
  "When she wakes, we will check the baby and if everything checks out she can go."
  "Dose she know?"
  "Um no, if you want I can tell her."
  "No.... He'll do it." Johnny looks at Roger,
     "You can't be serious?"
   "I'm dead fucking serious!"  Roger walks over to Johnny grabbing him by the shirt,
  "And if she decides to keep this kid you are going to be there for here and this child or I'll hunt you down and I'll kill you."
   "I didn't plan on going anywhere." Johnny says looking at Sara. Her eyes flutter open,
   "What happened?" Sara sits up a little,
  "Tio let go of Johnny, what are you doing?" Roger let go and nudged Johnny to break the news to her. Johnny sits down nervously grabbing Sara's hand. "Oh god it's bad isn't it...."
  "I need to tell you something." Sara nods looking at Johnny, tears filling her eyes.
  "You have to stay calm okay?"
  "Jesus, Johnny just tell me!"
  "Your pregnant....." Sara's eyes fill to the brim with tears, overflowing quickly. She giggles nodding, "At least it's isn't cancer." They both chuckle lightly, Roger shakes his head trying to hide his smile. Maybe they will be okay.... Roger thought to themselves.
  "We don't have to decide on what we want to do right now."
  "We?" Johnny nods,
  "We." Sara smiles and nods, Roger sighs sitting next to Sara. "So much for birth control."
   "I think it happened a few days after.... I was supposed to wait two weeks. Um.... It kind of just happened." Sara says trying to make it make sense.
  "Okay we need to check the heartbeat. If everything is fine you can leave."
  "Wait.... Will we be able to see it?" Sara asks getting comfortable as the doctor gets the machine out. "Yes, you are in the first trimester so we will have to insert the wand."
Sara nods, a little discomfort and there it is....
"It looks like a little sea monkey." Johnny says with a huge smile on his face, Roger holding back tears.
"How....How many weeks?"
"You are officially one month today as the fetus measured."
"How long Toni have to decide..."
"Decide what?" The doctor asks,
"If I want.... If I want to keep it or not."
"Safest would be within the next month risky the month after."
"Let's get you home and in your bed." Sara nods, the doctor handing her information about her options and discharge papers. Johnny's arms wrapped around Sara's waist guiding her to his car. "Come with me." Roger says, Sara looks at her Tio, "Me and Johnny have a lot to think and talk about. I'm going to go with him." Roger clenched the keys in his hands, "Alright." Johnny helps Sara in the car, his heart racing his his chest, Sara trying to keep calm reading her discharge papers.
"I fainted from stress..." Johnny sighs,
"Zared...." Sara looks out of the window,
"What are we going to do?" Johnny grabs Sara's hand lacing their fingers,
"Whatever you want to do."
"What do you want?" Sara asks staring at their hands then at Johnny, a smirk on his face.
"Don't ask me that, you won't want the truth." Sara bites her lip,
"Tell me." Johnny pulls up to the house,
"Let's get you in bed first then we will talk."
Sara got ready for bed by the time she got home it was 7 she was still feeling tired. Laying in the bed face to face with Johnny,
"Now tell me." Johnny places on hand on her hip pulling her into him, his lips crash on hers roughly. "I want you, I want all of you and whatever else grows between us." His hand on her stomach, her eyes looking into his.
  "You want to keep the baby...."
"I do but like I said, it's up to you."
Sara nods, her heart filling with..... love.
"I um I don't think we need to have a baby at this age."
"Oh." Johnny was hoping she would keep the baby so they would be locked in together. He knows Sara would be the type to fight to keep her family together so he knew he would have had her forever.
   "You sound disappointed." Johnny smirks shaking his head, "No, no I'm not. Whatever you think is best."
  "Really?" Johnny asks, Sara is giving him no time to change his mind.
"Yeah, the sooner the better." Johnny nods his hand still on her belly, his lips slide her shirt up gently kissing lightly.
"I love you little baby." Sara frowns pushing Johnny off gently, "Dont do that."
"It's my kid, would have been. You can't take that away from me."
"You said it was my choice but I can see already it's not the one you are okay with. This fetus is going to break us up."
"We aren't even a couple." He says sitting up rubbing his face, "That's the sad part, I want to be a family with you and we aren't even a couple. So how could this BABY break us up?" Sara's eyes fill with tears,
"You know what.... You should leave. I'll take care of this situation alone."
"What? No."
"Yes! Get the fuck out!" Johnny gets up grabbing his phone off her dresser,
"Go ahead kill our kid." Johnny slams the door shut, Sara takes some deep breathes and lays down for the night. This has to be the worst year of her life so far and that says a lot.
"Yeah?" She sits up Roger walking king with a letter in his hand. "This was found at your moms.... It's wrote to you."
"What? From my mom?" Roger nods,
"Did you read it?" Sara taking the letter,
"No... I can stay while you read it if you want me too." Sara nods patting the space next to her, her hands shaking the rips the envelope open.
Sara...... I don't even know here to begin, let just start off with I know you hate me, a part of you must. I lost myself in the bottle to numb the pain not caring about yours and made it worse.... I kept you to myself because I was scared to lose you even though I was just pushing you away. If you are reading this I'm dead and I felt it coming, I hope the last night we spent together was one you remember being happy. I hope you find love or it finds you and I hope you never let it go once you have it. Love is everything, it's the reason we are all here.....
   Sara wraps her arms around Rogers waist sobbing into him, her thoughts on the baby. How this baby would love her forever..... The thought of keeping the baby lingers in her head, coming home from king days to her son or daughter running to her with a smile on their face..... Cuddling on the couch watching Disney movies, holding their hand going trick or treating and Christmases making gingerbread men. The life she grew up with but 10X better because Johnny is healthy, she is healthy and they would get to love their kid forever....Sara pulls away wiping her face, a hand on her stomach. "Would you be mad at me if I kept the baby." Roger smirks shaking his head, "No but you better make sure it's what you want, no more parties and alcohol or fun basically." Sara smirks,
  "I kind of enjoy being home more than anything anyways." Roger chuckles,
  "You want to be a mom in high school, who's going to take care of the baby during classes?"
  "We have a day care now. Most high schools do."
  "And you don't care about people starting at you taking about you?"
  "They have been doing it all my life." Roger sighs, "Then no I want be mad. It seems you have thought this through. Maybe sleep on it think about it for a couple of days." Sara nods wiping away the rest of her tears, Roger turns the light off leaving her alone. Silent tears fall down his cheeks, sad but hopeful for Sara and Johnny. 
   Sara watches her phone light up, Johnny's face making her miss him. Every part of her calls out for him as if this baby is compelling her to crave him. His presence alone calms her soul, she fights the thoughts of Johnny. Turing the phone over she sleeps and sleeps.

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