filler bc "venus" will kill me if i don't post 💀

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3rd person.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!?" Darry shouted as he saw a stack of boys climbing a fence. "Uhhh... nothing?" Soda grinned and turned his head, seeing as he was at the top of the stack. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING??" Darry was getting fed up with the gang's shenanigans. "Oh mon dieu" Sasha rolled her eyes from the ground. 

"You and your fancy french" Ponyboy playfully scoffed with a shit eating grin as he held up Steve.  Sasha sighed and shook her head in disappointment. "God help me- get the hell of the damn fence! Sodapop i thought you knew better!" Darry scolded. "Whose idea you think this was?" Dallas was smirking and slightly pushed Two-Bit up. Steve laughed as he shoved up Soda. "Haha wait guys!! Ok, Two-bit hold up Dal" Soda said with a laugh. "Uhm.. Soda I'm holding Johnny-" "What? Who's holding you?" "No one? I'm at the bottom" "Damn, can we hurry I don't wanna miss my movie!" "Watch your mouth 'fore i beat the tar off ya" Dallas started to argue with Ponyboy. "Guys i think i might drop Pony soon.." Johnny said timidly. 

"Push him up i'm almost there!" Soda grabbed the top of the fence. This was a tall ass fence- "NO! Get down!" Darry was trying to defuse the situation. "Never!" Steve shouted and started laughing. "Steve!" Soda almost fell before Steve stopped. "Sorry man" Steve was still grinning. "Guyyyys! C'mon hurry! My movie starts in 10 minutes!" Ponyboy started complaining. "C'mon Pony it's almost done we just gotta get Soda and Steve over the fence then we can go" Johnny was making Pony feel better about the time. "God dammit! Get down or you can't go to the movie!" Darry shouted. Ponyboy gasped and shoved Steve up hard, making Soda disappear over the fence, Steve hanging halfway over. "OW!" Soda shouted from over the fence. 

Steve started to laugh and jumped over the fence. Ponyboy sent the rest of the guys tumbling to the ground. "Dammit kid!" Dallas jumped up. "C'mon Johnny the movie starts soon!" Ponyboy grabbed Johnny's hand and took off running. "Dammit, you two stand up" Darry grabbed Two-bit and pulled him up."Awe man, that's what i get for helpin' out Soda. whatever though" Two-bit mumbled as we got dragged off by Darry and Sasha. "Don't worry, i'll chew out the others later. Please explain to me what the hell you were thinking"

Two-bit laughed nervously and scratched his neck. "Dallas, what did they do"  He laughed and also refused to answer the older man. "Home. Now. Both of you." Darry was very stern about it and forced the other guys back to the house. Venus was sitting on the couch when the 4 people walked in. Venus was watching The Brady Bunch with Kelsey on the couch. They were eating some cute little donuts with animal faces on them. 

"Hey guys! What's up!?" Venus said from the couch. Kelsey waved without looking away from the tv. "Ooh! I love The Brady Bunch!" Two-bit said before going to sit down. Darry turned it off before he sat down. "Hey! We were watching that!" Venus said disappointed. "Yea Darrel, we were watching that" Kelsey said in the most uninterested, monotone voice she could. "Why'd you turn it off?" Venus whined. "The boys are in trouble." He made Two-bit and Dallas sit on the couch. "They all are but Steve and Soda were on the other side of the fence and Ponyboy ran with Johnny to the movies." Darry explained. "Oooh this will be entertaining" Kelsey sat up with a smirk. "Can it" Dallas snapped. Kelsey and Venus started laughing. "Ok, you said fence? Why is there a fence?" Venus asked through giggles and tears. "I have no idea, me and Sasha found them stacked on top of each other climbing a fence into a Soc house. I swear to god if those two go to jail i will whoop their asses" Darry threatened. "Oh no, i hope they don't get in trouble" Two-bit chimed in. 

"Why were y'all climbing the damn fence Keith?" Darry used his real name, which was a sure fire way to tell if he was mad. "Dunno, Soda said something about jacking some food for dinner" Dallas answered for him. "Yep yep yep" Two-bit agreed and went to grab a beer from the fridge. "Dammit Soda" Darry shook his head with a disappointed sigh. They sat around for a while before Soda and Steve came through the door laughing their asses off holding a few bags of presumably food. "Sodapop Michael Curtis." 

(A/N I know Ponyboy's middle name is Michael but I changed it accidentally cus i didn't know at the time and I don't like Soda's middle name being Patrick so ya)

"Oh shit, big brother's mad" Steve said, fueling the fire. "Uhh, we got dinner?" Soda held up the bags he was holding with a dumb grin. "You little shit. You better start making dinner then, you have till Ponyboy and Johnny get back from their movie. We'll discuss punishments after dinner" Darry didn't seem as mad after they showed him the bags of food, but still seemed pretty pissed.  Kelsey and Venus followed the boys into the kitchen while Sasha grabbed a book and sat at the dining room table. 

"I have no idea what i'm doing" Steve said as he stared at the pot of boiling potatoes. "Watching this physically hurts me" Kelsey said as she watched the two boys cook. "It's kinda funny though" Venus was giggling on the counter next to her. "Soda, Soda-Soda please oh my god" Kelsey was trying her hardest not to step in. Venus just started laughing harder. "Steve-  oh my god move Steve, right now" Kelsey took over for Steve and started the cook. 

Soon the food was ready and Ponyboy came in with Johnny about the time they finished. "Hey guys, what's up?" Ponyboy walked in the kitchen. "Mm.. did Darry get a raise?" Ponyboy asked after sniffing the air. "Naw, you 'member the fence we was climbing? We was stealing shit from a Soc house" Dallas said leaning on the counter with a beer in his hand. "Nice" Johnny sat down next to Sasha. "What are you reading?" "The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader", why?" She looked up at him. "Just wondering.."He wanted to ask her something but felt embarrassed. "Would you like me to read to you? I could read for you after dinner.." Sasha offered as she put the book down with a bookmark. 

"I'd love that.." Johnny smiled and everyone started to get dished up. "This is gonna be so good!" Venus exclaimed as she sat down.  "It better be" Darry said with a sigh. "It will, trust me" Soda beamed. Everyone sat down to eat dinner, safe, thankful, and smiling. Ponyboy knocked twice on the table.

Heyy, i loved the ending for this ngl it's super cutesy ehehheheheehe anyways i hope you enjoyed it, have a good day/night ily 

word count: 1174


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