Troubles in paradise

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Third person pov.

Sasha and Kelsey had walked into the other room to speak in private.
"So.. should we throw him a coming out party or be sophisticated and call it a get together?"
"Oh definitely the get together"
Sasha and Kelsey were just talking about what they should do to celebrate this, and where they should do it. The Curtis house is off the table, so they were thinking Kelsey or Sasha's place, maybe Buck's.
"We should invite Venus, Keith, Johnny, Steve, and obviously Ponyboy, but do you think we should invite his brothers and Dallas?? They don't seem to be taking it well.." Kelsey pondered the guest list. "And what about his cute redhead friend? Think she'd wanna come?" "Hmm... I don't think Cherry, but we should at least try to invite the other three. If they don't show up that's their own fault" Sasha agreed.

"Sweet! What kinda cake should we make him? Vanilla, chocolate? Maybe even red velvet??" Kelsey pulled out a small notepad she usually had on her. "Uhmm, I know Venus loves red velvet and I think that Ponyboy does too.. I can't remember though. We should make all three flavors just in case" Sasha rested her chin on her hand as they spoke. "Ooh yes! And a lemon cake with lemon icing cause it's my favorite flavor to make!!" Kelsey excitedly scribbled in the notepad.

The backdoor opened, signaling Darryl coming back inside the house. "Hey man, how ya feelin now?? Better I hope.." Two-bit humored himself. "I don't want to see him until this little 'phase' of his is over. That's final." Darryl spoke firmly before storming off to his room. "That went.. ok? I mean, he didn't instantly start screaming that he was a faggot mistake that should burn in hell, so that's something I guess.." Johnny sighed but agreed with what Two-bit said.  The back door was slightly ajar so the two boys heard the chirping of crickets and the faint arguing of everyone's favorite couple, Dallas and Venus.

Soda came back some time later, not saying anything as he opened the fridge to grab a soda. Ha, Soda drinking soda. He sat at the table across from the two boys and stared at them. He seemed tired, and sad. "Do you.. do ya think I messed it all up? Do ya think he hates me?" He looked at his hands. Johnny and Two-bit made eye contact before they looked back at him. "I just.. I don't like it, but I don't want to lose him. Ya know?" Soda looks so torn up that the other two can't help but feel bad for the guy. "I don't know what to say dude. I can't understand why you don't like it so I can't give you any advice" Two-bit shrugged and leaned in his chair, wrapping an arm around Johnny. "You're ok with it?" Sodapop looked confused by the statement.

"Well yea! I don't understand it much, but I totally accept it. He can do anything he wants as long as he doesn't make it his whole personality. If he makes liking guys his whole personality I would be kinda bummed. Ponyboy isn't Ponyboy if he doesn't go on hour long rants about books. I'd miss the little geek" Johnny didn't speak, but nodded along with everything Two-bit said. Soda looked sad again before he sighed. "I think.. I think I'm just gonna go to sleep and maybe think about all this in the morning.." Soda finishes his Pepsi before he threw it in the trashcan. "Hey.. if he comes back tonight, tell Ponyboy I love him alright?? I love you guys too. Get some sleep" he said before leaving for bed. Johnny agreed and watched as the older boy left the room.

"So.. what do we do now? Should we check on the ladies?? Maybe Stevie Wonder and Horseman?" Two-bit asked. "Hmm.. yea let's check on the guys" Johnny confirmed and stood up. "Alright Johnnycakes let's go"

The two guys walked past the girls speaking in the den, nodding as they did, and walked out the front door to see the two boys watching the stars. "Hey guys, suppose it went well hm?" Two-bit said as he sat down on the front porch with them. "Yea, I'd say so. How bout you kid? Still scared shitless of me?" Steve ruffled Pony's hair. "You wish" Pony snapped back with a cheeky grin. "I think it went great!" Ponyboy smiled wide at them. If they didn't know any better they wouldn't have known this was the same boy crying less than an hour ago. " That's good Pone" Johnny sat next to him. Steve was on one side of Ponyboy, Johnny on the other side, with Two-bit sitting on one of the chairs that was set out on the front porch.

Johnny always did like watching the stars with Ponyboy. It was something they've always done together,  no matter what happened. Watching the stars is, and always will be, their safe place. Or, now that they think about it, unknown to the other they came to the realization that they were each other's safe place. As long as they had each other everything would be okay. Johnny thought to himself, 'he'll always be the peanut butter to my jam... Ohhh that's why Two-bit was laughing earlier-'

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