Waiting Is Key

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welcome dear reader as of recently you probably have seen that someone has been revealing how this little multiverse works. Well don't worry because I have managed to take full control and make sure that no one else find's a way to reveal my true plans. That one Y/N really thought he could trick me . . . . well I threw him into an uncharted world, hopefully that can get him off my back. Right now I have to deal with a certain FruitCup anyways, this is my final warning

Stop . . . . after all waiting for nothing is a waste of time, plus we wouldn't want anything to happen now would we?

Chapter 1 : Complete
Chapter 2 :
Chapter 3 :
Chapter 4 :
Chapter 5 :

(Awaiting Adoption) Winter Of Origin (The World Of Exe's X Male Mute Reader)Where stories live. Discover now