Siren Song

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It feels like drowning.

Like water, dancing around my body, filling my lungs like a kiss, a dark embrace like ivy vines wrapping around a tomb. It feels like death, pulling my ability to breath away from me, so gently that I almost don't notice its absence.

But then, I notice.

I really am drowning.

Panic seizes me like a vise, and all of a sudden I'm thrashing, feeling the water choking my airway, trying to get away from the hypnotic lull of the waves.

Part of me is mad, confused. I mean, I'm Arcana McDonald, Haiden City's best competitive swimmer. And I'm here, somehow, fucking fighting for my life? Swimming comes easy to me. I've been doing it, like my dad likes to say, "even before I could walk." And not to mention, I lifeguard on the weekends. Drowning-or whatever it is I'm doing right now-never happens.

But as I struggle to get to the surface, I realize my arms are like weights, near impossible for my arms to move normally. Something, like a song maybe, or some voice in my head, is telling me to let go. Telling me to give up, stop fighting, close my eyes, and just-let the dark current pull me down.

Which doesn't make any sense. I'm never like that. I never give up easily, on anything. But I'm here, somehow, in the environment I'm best in, dying.

That's just great, Arc, I'm livid at myself. You're gonna die here, and when they find your body, they'll recognize you, and laugh at the sheer irony of it all.

But despite what I'm feeling right now, I continue struggling-trying to move my arms, aiming towards the watery light so far above my head.

But then, all of a sudden, I see a flash of light at the corner of my eye.

I don't gasp, given the current situation, but my heartbeat quickens an alarming degree. Great, I'm gonna die here, and maybe they won't even find my body,'cause some fucking giant ass fish decided I look good to eat right about now.

So, even as I keep struggling to swim, I close my eyes, preparing for the feeling of sharp teeth sinking into my flesh.

The feeling doesn't come. But when I open my eyes, I see another pair glowing back at me through the gloom.

This time, I can't stop myself from screaming.

Water floods my mouth and I panic again as the eyes drift closer. They're slightly slanted, glowing sickly green like the weird slime in my Chem class or the Halloween party I went to some time ago.

For once in my life I feel fear, fear of the water that I usually love so much, fear of the unknown that usually fascinates me.

As the eyes drift closer, the water around me dims and fades, my limbs drift down to my sides, and my eyelids droop despite my instincts screaming to get out. Something like hands touch my face, and the last thing I see is a mouthful of sharp teeth and those lantern eyes.


When my eyes open, I'm staring up a the moon in a deep purple sky.

I gasp, sitting up quickly. I'm rocking back and forth gently in what I'm assuming is a boat. I pat my hands down my body, peering through the dark at my fingers. They're pruned up, and my clothes and hair are sopping wet, but I'm no longer dying. The air is cool and smells like salt, but when I try to take a deep breath, my body is wracked by a fit of coughs. Water dribbles over my lips, landing in fat drops on my already wet shorts, and I feel fucking helpless.

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