Part 4: Villains and Trouble

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"*sigh* Put your phones down." Yahiko tells us. We both close our phone and put them down at the same time. Yahiko stares at us in slight consern, probably because we were doing things at the same time with the same bored look. "What?" Kukiro asks.

"Well, since we have nothing else to do...

(End of recap...)

(Present time...)

"Well, since we have nothing else to do...why not let's go out and walk around? Y'know, like exploring more of the place?" Yahiko suggests. "Wait, really? You'll allow us to go around this place?" I ask getting slightly excited. "Yes. Yes, I'm allowing you guys to. Because why not spend more time together?" Yahiko smiles.

"Hm...yeah, sure why not?" Kukiro agrees. "Then let's go!" I exclaim. Yahiko chuckles and grabs his hoodie from the sofa and puts it on. The three of us are wearing matching hoodies...for some reason...P.S. we did not do this on purpose. I was wearing a (f/c) hoodie, Kiro was wearing purple and Hiko was wearing a grey one. The hoodies we were wearing were actually gifts from our cousins, they had a design that read 'I'm the best 😏😎'.

"Wait a minute...we're wearing the same hoodies..." I point out. Hiko and Kiro both look down and look at eachother. "You're right-" they both say. "Heh, that's funny. Anyways, LET'S GOO!" I say while running to the door. I open the door and smile to myself.

'Perfect weather, but, it's quite, still.'

•~Short Time Skip~•

As we were walking around, we saw an icecream stand and I immediately ran over to buy some. "Oh my God, guys it's an icecream stand!" I said while running towards it. "Hey, hey! Wait! Slow down!" Hiko says while he and Kiro try to catch up with me. "Aw, dang...there's a line!" I pout and cross my arms. "Heh, well, we could wait. Unless you're impatient." Kiro teases me, knowing I don't really like to wait.

"Tch. I can wait." I say confidently. "Hah, let's see if you can last being patie-"


Our eyes widen at the sudden noise. Few people were starting to run away from where the commotion came from, some where screaming in terror, some where pushing eachother and some where going to look what happend. I had good vision, so I immediately spotted a little girl who was about to be crashed by a huge rock.

I ran as fast as I could to get the little girl to safety. I grabed her in time and put her somewhere safe. I crouched down to her height "Hey, hey! It's okay, don't cry! We're going to find your mom alright? Or dad, but can you tell me where you last saw them?" I asked the little girl while wiping her tears.

"I-I d-don't know...!" The little girl said while sobbing. "Well then, can you tell me your name?" I asked sweetly, attempting to calm her down. "Y-Yuhi..." She responded. "Yuhi? That's your name? Well, you have a very pretty name! Sounds like a name for a princess!" I smile at her, trying to make her happy. "R-really?" Her eyes lit up to hearing the word 'princess'. "Yep! Now, come with me." I say while picking her up to put her in my arms.

I ran towards the people around the commotion that was currently still happening and found a woman crying beside a worried looking man. "M-mama! Papa!" Yuhi said while pointing towards them. I walked up to them and said "Excuse me, ma'am and sir, is this your daughter?" I asked to make sure they were really her parents.

The woman looked up, "Oh my god! Yuhi! My baby!" She sobbed. I put Yuhi down and she went to hug the crying mother. I left them and went over to the front to take a look at what has caused all this. My eyes widened at the sight.

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