More facts and stories~

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1. I have two older brothers.
•Goo Myoung Jae, 18
•Goo Yong Jin, 20
-The two oftenly visit me in Korea even if they now work in New York, and I visit them in New York too. Our sibling bond is way stronger than you think and other people may think that I'm a boy like them because we are so alike :/

2. My parents are always so supportive and lets me do what I want.
-Yeah, they're those kind of parents who don't give a damn about you in the world. It's like they regret having you in the first place and it fucking hurts. But anyway, they give me lots of money! Thumbs up for them :D

3. I'm called 'Summer' for a reason and I did not make that reason.
-As all of you know, Summer is a hot season. Well, you probably know why I'm called Summer now. ㅋㅋㅋ I actually couldn't believe it myself. They (my classmates/schoolmates) called me 'Hot' (not bragging, they said it!) and I'm like 'o.o da fuck?' since my other girl classmates/friends, said it was unfair, they called me Summer instead. *shrugs*

4. I used to dance to any genre of dance
-Yep, I USED to dance. Past tense there. Dancing was my one and only hobby but then this happened, I broke my ankle T.T therefore, I am now scared to dance. I wasn't able to dance for a long time and I was only 13! And yeah, I do miss it but I don't wanna risk myself again. Even some of my guy friends and girl friends in middle school made a dance group with me, I was their leader. Oh it's such a great loss in my life ._.

5. My family is a mess
-Hahaha, just something I wanted to share when people ask about my family. My father is dating multiple girls behind my mother's back, my mother wants to stay in New York so that she can't see her 'loving' husband's face, I found out that I have a younger sister o.o, my brothers and I are still... noobs xD. They're all I have right now.

6. They say I have a very thick English-British accent. I purposely make it sound British 'cause I'm damn fuckin fabulous *flips hair*
-I was in a coffee shop when suddenly, a guy neared me and asked me something in English. I answered him and made sure that I was really all British-y and then he told me "Damn girl, that's one thick accent." and I was left dumbfounded, duh! I already know that. HAHAH.

7. Since my ankle accident, I tried to play soccer and basketball. TRIED.
-Yeah I failed. 😂😂 I thought it was goin good since my two brothers are addicted to the two sports but it didn't work out with me. It sort of worked out, but I gave up on it 6 months later. Atleast, my ankle is a bit better now :D

8. When I was in highschool, boys were afraid to court or ask me to be their girlfriend even if I was a Queenka. Wae?
-Myoung Jae and Yong Jin. They were my bodyguards instead of brothers xD there was this one boy, I think his name was Chan Hyul. He proposed to me to be his yeoja and I didn't even get to say a word when two bodies dragged the boy up and took him somewhere! So overprotective. HAHA! But they don't know I date virtually :P so yeah, I'm single :)

9. I'm also a nerd
-Yeah, I read books and all that shit and I'm smart when it comes to academics. Physical education is also a thumbs up. aaaand, I also hack. Don't bash. Do not judge a book by it's cover. Plus, I'm two-sided ;) I have different sides.

10. I'm a blabber mouth and a 1/2 flirt
-I can't comment anything about that anymore. You'll just need to find out ;)


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