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Name: Avery Cruz
Age: 12
Birthday: December 15th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 4'9

Name: Avery Cruz Age: 12Birthday: December 15thGender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Height: 4'9Appearance:

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(Date night)

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(Date night)

(Date night)

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(Sleepwear)Personality: Hotheaded, tough, intelligent, sarcastic, rebelliousTalents: Computer hackingAbilities: Stealth, hacking, flexibility, enhanced speedWeakness: She posses very little arm strength due to her small size Hobbies: Fighting, ske...

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Personality: Hotheaded, tough, intelligent, sarcastic, rebellious
Talents: Computer hacking
Abilities: Stealth, hacking, flexibility, enhanced speed
Weakness: She posses very little arm strength due to her small size
Hobbies: Fighting, sketching, hacking
Crush: Rafael
Friends: The Autobots, Jack, Miko, Rafael
Enemies: The Decepticons
Likes: Hanging out with her friends, sketching, hacking into computers, horror films, fighting
Dislikes: The Decepticons, someone bringing up her parents, crying in front of others
Guardian: Optimus
Side: Autobots
Relationship status: Crushing later on dating
Job: Student
Family: Madison (mother, deceased), Brian (father, left)
Backstory: Avery's mother died from a lung infection when she was only 3, causing her father to spiral into a terrible drinking habit. Although Avery wasn't abused throughout most of her childhood she was extremely neglected since her father would always be too drunk to pay any attention to her. Deep down Avery always hoped that her father would try and get some help, but that all came crashing down when Brian left Avery when she was 8. After he left Avery started to think that she wasn't good enough of a daughter and barely let any one get close to her in fear that they might leave her too.
Quotes: "Why should I even trust you? After everything you put me through, the burden you made me carry. You don't even care about me, do you?" -Avery to her father
-"We could do this the easy way or the painful way. And I prefer the painful way."
-"I'm a professional, Darby."

Other: -Just like Raf she's an expert in computers -She is known as the 'hothead' of the group -She loves Fighting and is always getting into trouble -She admits that sometimes she loved her father and other times hated him-Once in a while Avery w...

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-Just like Raf she's an expert in computers
-She is known as the 'hothead' of the group
-She loves Fighting and is always getting into trouble
-She admits that sometimes she loved her father and other times hated him
-Once in a while Avery would secretly call her father to make sure if he was okay

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