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Second POV

"Now, as this ceremony is coming to a close, I would like to present the person I've been fawning over this entire time." A chuckle can be heard from the crowd.

"To thank her and her amazing team once again for their creative and amazing ingenuity to create the first flying car! Y/N Witwicky!"

A very young woman, clad in an unusually colourful lab coat, steps out onto the stage as she steps up beside the podium where some important rich guy stood. She didn't care, she had just decided to tinker something interesting, and boom, she gets a whole dang ceremony to thank her so some rich guy can mooch off her baby, also interrupt her work, and putting her on the front page of news and social media so other people could pester and interrupt her work. And he thinks it JUST flies?! It's a one hundred percent environmentally safe, auto-driving, convertible flying car! It was designed to help protect the environment as it doesn't cause pollution, and hovers high enough to avoid mammals and other small rodents but low enough to avoid any complications with birds.

Once the ceremony was concluded she was sent home by her boss, forced to have the week off seeing as she never takes days off and the higher ups are probably forcing them. Buuut~ not before she tried breaking in a couple of times to continue some of her experiments. Eventually, she reluctantly decides that she hasn't seen her family in a while and goes to visit them.



"Haven't been here since... last December?" I mutter, taking in the sight and smell of my old neighbourhood, looking up at the current residence occupied by my family.

"October, you haven't visited your parents since last October, you thought it would be funny to set up little Halloween bots to scare them." Came a voice stationed about two-thirds my height behind me.

"Hey! They're Scare Bots, Ssscaaare bots." I emphasis to the butler robot I made. The first robot I created to express human emotion. She has a humanoid build and is made up of mostly titanium, she helps me with everything from cleaning and cooking to driving me around and keeping people away from me. She is very capable of fighting and can be quite snarky but most of the time will speak politely and lady-like.

"Yes Mistress."

"Octavia, how many times have I told you not to call me Mistress?"

"Nineteen times, Mistress."

"...Never mind." I sigh not bothering anymore, she's always seemed adamant about calling me "Mistress" ever since I built her... thrreeee months ago? Must be a butler thing. I walk up to the front of the house and knock on the door only to be greeted by my overly excited mother.

"Ahh! My Baby!" She pulls me into a bone-crushing hug as she rambles on about how much she misses me and how quiet it's been without my old, explosive experiments from back when I was like ten.

"Y-Yes Mom I've m-missed you t-to but you're suffocating me!" I struggle to breathe as I awkwardly tap her on the shoulder, not entirely fond of the contact. Octavia stood silently at my side as she politely bows to my mother.

She eventually lets me go as my Dad walks up to the door beside Mom and greets me with a huge grin. "There's my favourite girl, how've you been? I heard you invented the flying car... is that a butler robot?" He beams before spotting Octavia as she bows to him.

"It doesn't just fly but- thanks, Dad. This is Octavia and I've been great~ By the way where's Sam? I've got a surprise for all of you." I feel myself irk slightly at is ignorance of my precious baby but grin nonetheless, excited to show off more of my babies. I can see their eyes gleaming with excitement as they inform me that he is in his room, I head to his room and find him sitting on his laptop searching about his great, great grandfather. "Is this your current assignment? Seems kind of pointless." I grin as I startle him as he whips around to face whoever just spooked him.

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