Too Much Catnip

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"Andrias, hurry up and-"

Suddenly a thunderous crash was heard from another room, causing the two people to turn their heads towards the hallway in confusion. Darcy and the king were in the throne room, the first obviously scolding Andrias about something before the loud noise.

"Ugh, I'll check up on whatever that was. You focus on the task I gave you, okay?" Darcy directed their last comment a bit condescendingly towards the newt before stomping out of the throne room, heading towards where the crash came from.

They entered the kitchen, where various pots and pans were scattered all over the floor and tables. They tsked, shaking their head with irritation. "We'll send someone to clean this up later... might as well get a snack while we're here. Maybe cupcakes-"

Darcy was interrupted again, but instead of a crashing sound it was only a softer, but still loud, clang of something metallic from behind the main island in the kitchen. "Who's there? I bet whoever's there made this mess. Reveal yourself!" They shouted, slamming their hands on the table a bit dramatically.

"Hiiiiii Darcyyyyyy." You popped up from behind the table, crossing your arms on the counter and resting your head atop. "How are youuuuu?"

Darcy hesitated, a little concerned. This was clearly not the Y/n they knew. The normal Y/n would either snap at them first or have some kind of snarky comment ready. Instead you were currently staring off into space regardless of your sightless eyes, ears flattened, and you were wearing a daydreamy smile.

Their first verbal reaction was just: "N/n, what's wrong with you?"

"Whaddoya mean? I'm fiiiine. I'm just peachy."

"No. No, you clearly are not. You have never said 'peachy' in the time that I've known you and you seem way too relaxed and happy in this mess of a kitchen right now, which, I'm guessing you caused. How'd this even happen?!"

"Some stuff happened, some other stuff happened, one thing led to another, ya know how it gooooooes." You kept slurring and dragging out your speech, another thing that worried Darcy despite them not admitting that to themselves.

"That doesn't help. Again I ask: N/n, what's wrong with you?!"

"Weeeeeeell... ya see, I found this really good smelling plant in the kitchen when I was grabbing a snack, and I went to see what it was. It smelled like catnip, which I have always wanted to try. Soooooo... I may have tried ooooooone leaf."

"Tell me you didn't." Darcy facepalmed, remembering sifting through memories when the four friends had given Anne's cat, Domino, catnip.

"I may have eaten a couple... a few... okay, maybe half... nope I ate all the leaves on the plant." You lifted a large potted plant- no, now a potted stem- onto the counter to demonstrate just how many leaves you ate.

Darcy scowled, frustrated at your lack of restraint. It would've been fine if you'd eaten ONE leaf. ONE. NOT AN ENTIRE PLANT-FULL. "You idiot. Now you're drunk." They stated bluntly, pointing their finger at you.

"Whaaaaat? I'm not drunk, silly. Everything's fiiiiiine." You slurred, padding over to Darcy before collapsing, them just barely able to catch you in time. "Oooooh you have wires on your arms." You fidgeted with the silver cords before your hands were lightly slapped away by Darcy.

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