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As sun sets to the horizon, Saki Izumo walks along the road, holding a paperbag. 'Another D4 FES. Hopefully we can do better this time after Peakey P-Key won' thinks Saki. She stops for a while to pet an orange white cat. 'I am confident with my ability of DJing but right now I am not sure' thinks Saki.

She arrives at the public bath house and sees Rui Akizake stands in front of the door. She approaches the young samurai.  

"Excuse me," called Saki as Rui jumps a little. 

The Rinmeikan students bows towards Yoba student. 

"I'm so sorry," cried Rui. 

"It's okay. Don't worry about it," said Saki with a smile. 

"How can I help you?" asked Rui. 

"Is the bath house open?" asked Saki. 

"According to the sign, yes but the door is locked," said Rui.

The door opens as Rokka Asahi looks outside. 

"Welcome. How many are you?" asked Rokka. 

"Just two of us," said Saki. 

"Can you hold for a while, we have a little bit problem here," said Rokka as she bows. 

Saki sees Chiyu Tamade throwing tantrums near the entrance towards bath. 

"Excuse me," called Saki. 

Chiyu glares towards her. 

"What do you want?" asked Chiyu. 

"I'm sorry to ask this but why you doesn't like hot bath?" asked Saki.

"It is not of your business!" barked Chiyu. 

"You don't have to be rude," said Rui. 

"It's okay, Rui-san. There must be a reason why she is stressed," said Saki. 

She looks at the RAS DJ. 

"I understand that it is not my concern but right now you're holding the line of this bath house guest and I believe it is bad for business," said Saki. 

The pinkette sighs. 

"Fine," groaned Chiyu.

Later, the trio sit at the bathtub. 

"You have another DJ Festival but you're unsure about your DJ ability?" asked Rui. 

"The other group will be up so I want to train my DJ skills," said Saki. 

"I understand your feeling. I used to have the same feeling before my kendo tournament," said Rui. 

"What should I do?" asked Saki. 

"You can learn more knowledge on music so you can have more ideas on how to DJ your own song," said Chiyu. 

"Learn more knowledge on music?" asked Saki. 

"I also learn more on kendo with watching other sword fighting," said Rui. 

Saki then stands up. 

'"Come Akizake-san, let me wash your back," said Saki. 

"Thank you," said Rui as she stands up. 

Chiyu stares angrily towards Saki's melon and Rui's orange as she sinks herself into the water. 'That's why I hate bath' thinks Chiyu. 

"Something wrong?" asked Saki. 

The pinkette mutters something under the water. 

"What is it? Speak up," said Rui, annoyed. 

"That's why I hate bath," said Chiyu half yelled. 

"Why? What's wrong with taking the bath?" asked Rui. 

Saki looks at Chiyu then at Rui and finally at herself. 

"Is it because of our mature figure?" asked Saki. 

"What do you mean?" asked Rui. 

"According to my understanding, when we take our bath, we always in our birthday suit. So I believe Tamade-san feel insecure about her own body when she sees someone like us," said Saki. 

Rui looks at herself. 

"I see what you mean," said Rui. 

She looks at Chiyu. 

"Don't worry. You're still in middle school so you have a lot of room to grow. Come. I'll help you wash your back," said Rui. 

"Fine," groans Chiyu as she stands up slowly and follows them towards the shower. 

Few hours later, the trio walk out from the bath, fully fresh. Rui leans her body a little. 'We're going to have another stageplay in a few weeks. Since we'll be competing against Seisho, Frontier and Siegfield, we need to step up' thinks Rui. 

"Here is the bottle of milk." 

She looks at Rokka that gives them a bottle of milk. 

"Thank you," said Rui as she takes the bottle and drinks it. 

"It is delicious. Thank you Asahi-san," said Saki.

 "Thanks, Lock," said Chiyu. 

"I am glad you like it. Please spread the words to your friends," said Rokka. 

"Sure, no problem," said Saki with a smile. 

"I will," said Rui as she bows. 

"Sure whatever," said Chiyu. 

The trio put the bottles on the bin. 

"Thank you for coming," said Rokka as Rui and Saki walk out. 

Chiyu looks at Rokka. 

"Are you coming for the training?" asked Chiyu. 

"Sure. We have another incoming concert," said Rokka with a smile.

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