Meeting the Bangs

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I walk down the stairs towards baggage claim with my Care Bear in hand, backpack, carry on, and bag of snacks. This was the longest flight of my life. It took an entire day to fly here! 

Still trying to compose myself, I hear a squeal and see my friend with a huge smile on her face. She has a bouquet of flowers and a man that I'm assuming is her dad? is holding a sign with my name on it. I can't help but giggle at how excited and cute she looks. I get to the bottom of the steps and jog to her as fast as I could with all the junk I had been carrying. 

I put my bags down and we both hug tightly. 

I met Hannah at university. I'm a few years older than her, but I met her at a greek life event. She was tying to join this sorority, but I really just pretended I was interested to get free alcohol and to meet frat boys. They don't make good boyfriends, but they can At a party, she came up to me because she thought I was one of the sisters. We talked for a bit, and she mentioned she liked Conan Gray. I remember laughing a bit because he was a friend of mine from high school. It was just so funny. I told her, and I saw her eyes light up. I could tell by her brow she was skeptical but intrigued. So I decided to call him. He answered sticking his tongue out and flipping off the camera. 

"Hey, C, I hope I'm not bothering you." I told him. "All you do is bother me babes." he replied rolling his eyes and chuckling at his own joke. "Are you just going to brag about your university life to me again? I get it." "Shut up loser, I wanted you to meet my friend Hannah. She's a big fan." I saw his smile widen and handed the phone to Hannah. She shyly said hi and talked to him a bit about her interest in music. It was a cute and wholesome scene.  She handed the phone back to me so him and I said our goodbyes before hanging up.

Hannah was very quiet for a bit with just a big smile on her face. "You good?" I asked. She bit her lip and nodded her head before launching herself at me and attacking me with a hug,  "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Its no problem, really." I said unsure how to respond to the overwhelming affection. I didn't want to push her off, so I just gently hugged her back. 

From there we left the party and ate taco bell, she didn't end up pledging a sorority. And now, just a few months later, I flew to Australia to spend time with her. She was very convincing when trying to get me to come to Australia. And frankly, its just so hard to say no to her. Just days after Christmas, I'm here. 

We let go of one another, and she grabs a bag from my hand. "We'll have Chan take this, okay?" We walk towards the man, "Chan is your...?" She giggles, "My annoying brother." I nod my head laughing. I can't really see him well. He's wearing a hat and a face mask. All black. He holds out his hand for a hand shake, "Hi, I'm Chan. Nice to meet you." I shake his hand, "Hi, I'm Y/N, its nice to meet you, too." He takes my bag from Hannah and my backpack from me. "He'll put it in the car." Hannah says as he walks off. I turn to Hannah, "Why is he wear all black? It's way too hot here for that." "He's weird. He thinks he's mysterious." I laugh at Hannah's blunt answer and see my bag on the baggage claim belt. I try to grab it and another hand gently places itself on mine. I turn and see its Chan. "Don't worry about the bag, I'll get it. Is it just one?" I feel my face getting a bit hot. With him so close to me, I see he has really pretty eyes and curly hair peeking out from the bottom of his bucket hat. I snap out of it and realize I haven't answered his question, "Yeah, just one bag." He walks off rolling the bag behind him, and I walk towards Hannah. She smiles at me and puts a flower behind my ear before interlocking our hands and walking behind Chan. 

We get to the car, and I watch as Chan puts the bag into the trunk and walks over to open the backseat door for me and the front door for Hannah. He waits for us to get in and shuts the doors. He jogs around to the driver's side and carefully gets onto the road and we make our way to their house. Hannah puts on music and sings. The entire ride, I found myself glancing at the rearview mirror so I could look at Chan. Still not having seen his whole face, I could tell he was really cute. And very kind. Just 20 minutes into meeting this guy and I already have a crush on him. I'm helpless. 

Know That I See You ~ Bang Chan AU ~ Chan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now