Past is Past

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Pink beams of light disappeared under the horizon. The moon peeking up from the opposite side. The fiery sun, only to be replaced by the calm moon. Hitom was running, weaving in and out of the looming trees. His blond hair flailed behind, twisting into knots as he ran. His blue eyes locked onto the breakage of light, signalling the ending of the blood-curdling clump of trees. Eerie silence echoed throughout the trees, sending glares of betrayal as he ran. What Hitom didn't know, was that a man he thought he got rid of years ago, was following a whisker behind. A loud thump spread throughout the forest, as Hitom fell to the ground, a rock falling from his head. The man following stepped up from behind the trees, dragging the heavy, unconscious man roughly.

Light forced its way to Hitom, opening his eyes and revealing the damp room around him. Hitom shot up, heart racing. Unfamiliar surroundings sent his heart racing.
"Well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up."
Maniacal cackling could be heard behind the budget microphone. Hitom recognised this voice, loud and clear. It was his long lost, thought to be dead enemy.

Hitom shot-piercing glares around the room, trying to spot his attacker.
"Now, now. I know you're eager to see me but you're going to have to wait. I'm sure you can manage that. Right?" Aero laughed, finding himself amusing.
By this point, Hitom had gotten up and started to his surroundings. From what he saw, there was only one way he could escape this detrimental situation. The air vent.
"Oh, I see that you've spotted the air vent. However, that won't be necessary to escape. Let me just-" Aero cut himself off, a faint click only heard, echoing slightly out of the cheap microphone.
In front of Hitom, a hidden door slid up slowly. Aero eventually explained, hesitance clear in his voice, that Hitom had 30 minutes to escape this maze, otherwise he would be executed. Brutally. Aero described as 100 dogs, ripping away your skin slowly, leaving your skinned body to rot, only to be consumed by rats, consuming you, bit by bit, as your blood seeps closer. It was safe to say that Hitom was scared. Terrified, if you will.

Hitom's eyes flickered around the hallway, desperately searching for a way out. Time was ticking. However, something in this maze, specifically the current hallway, seemed wrong, out of place. Suddenly, he spotted it, a small hole in the floor leading to a room brighter than rays of the sun, the light that could only be replicated by human invention. After minutes of crawling, Hitom arrived in the room, only to be met by thousands of weapons, all hung up pristinely on walls, acting like prized awards that Aero won. He was taken aback by the inventory of weapons that Aero had collected. This shock only lasted a second before a presence was seen, reflecting in the glass to Hitom's side. Aero stood; his eyes pried open in shock. Not expecting Hitom to be there. Without thinking, not allowing one word to be spoken between the two, Hitom swooped to his left, grabbing a gun from the wall. A bullet flew rapidly, flying straight into Aero's head. The lifeless body shot to the floor, blood escaping from the newly formed cavity in his head. Something seemed off, however, something about the dead person on the floor struck him with uncertainty. Something was wrong.

Suddenly, he spotted a hatch positioned on the roof of the bunker. A stick hung delicately from the hatch handle. Hitom jumped, his grazed and bruised hands latching onto the stick, pulling it down. Light streamed into the bunker, brightening it even more.  The same forest where Hitom was originally kidnapped loomed above, the trees rustled laughing at the pathetic man below the hatch, not knowing the acts he just committed. A ladder was sitting in the corner impatiently, so Hitom grabbed it and flung it under the hatch, relieved he was finally getting out. Climbing up the oddly pristine ladder, he breathed a sigh of relief. No longer did he have to suffer the torture of Aero. No longer would he cower in his house, fearing the impending doom falling on top of him. The morning sun shone brightly on his face, highlighting his features.
"Pathetic." Someone scoffed from behind.
Suddenly, just as this whole ordeal started, it ended. The same exact way. A rock flew into his skull, splattering blood over the forest green grass. Hitom was once again, unconscious. For the second time. Someone laughed from behind before dragging the unconscious body and throwing him into a bag. To be transported to No-Mans-Land. His story only continues. For who knows how long.

(800 words)
Ayyy first chapter done. updates will be veryyy slow mostly because of school but yk
I guess i should introduce myself, thy writer.

Im Aspen, an Australian writer. I go by Any/All pronouns (take this as literally as you want.) I am aroace, agender, and apagender. (so basically i collect 'a' like pokemon.) I have alot of interests, mostly youtube chanells, and movies / tv shows. For example, cinema sins, nation squid, technoblade, TAWOG, pokemon (fav pokemon is snom) saiki k, i also like history :D

the song at the top is amazing, go listen to it. it has nothing to do with the story but just do it. its good.
(anyways, i might sign off at the end of all my chapters just becuase. also AN wont be this long in the future)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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