Chapter 17 - Liz

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Monday. Yet again. As I walk with Kayla through the halls towards my first class of the morning, Algebra, (a so very good Monday morning to me, lol...Monday + Algebra = the worst morning ever) two thoughts dawn on me almost contemporarily:

- one) Kyle hasn't texted or called since our "school day out" on Saturday (it's been one day, Liz, one day...Chill!);

- two) the infamous Lit test is getting nearer (barely a week to go...yikes!) and I CANNOT let myself fail it...Shakespeare's a favourite in my house (Saints know oh so well how much me and my parents love going to see his plays and watching the transportation to the big screen of those very same

It's very interesting how I just put my academic rival before my actual academic problems...there's a first for everything, I guess.

Kayla barely understands an inch of Algebra, so she spends most of the class pretending to listen, trying to copy my notes, or simply half-sleeping through it completely...whilst me on the other hand, well...I can work perfectly through it and I like it, ish. But the only thing I hate is that I won't find any use for it in the future. Like, who would use equations and binomials in normal, every-day life? No one, my thought exactly.

That's when I have to do double the work, acting like we're doing the exercises together or explaining the lesson to each other, so the teacher doesn't put an F on my bestie's school report for this (alas boring and useless) class.

Once, I even exchanged my bestie's glasses with a pair containing two open eyes drawn on its spectacles, just to make Kayla appear need to ask, it obviously didn't work and me and Kayla both got extra homework to do as a punishment for underestimating the class (and Mr Craine, the teacher: a tall, lean man around his 30s with a striking passion for Star Trek and an addiction to caffeine and wearing multi-coloured glasses, ties and socks).

Honestly, doing those extra exercises for the both of us was worth the laugh Kayla and I shared for at least a week after this episode took place.

Kayla and I have shared lots of embarrassing moments during our friendship over these past twelve years we've known each other. And I mean A LOT. I won't stop the narration here to tell them all to you now, I will recall them for you in the next future (I hope).

Anyway, we somehow work through this class and the next four lessons until lunchtime, where we finally relax a bit on one of the tables overlooking the garden, staying indoors because this autumn air is slowly catching up onto a wintry one and eating on the soaked tables outside is not something I'd recommend to anyone.

We spend our hour of freedom as most besties do, gossiping and having a laugh with our after-lunch coffees in hand, because there wouldn't be any way in heaven we would survive the next three hours on our sleep-schedule alone.

My best friend will probably deny everything I'll say next, but I do believe she's addicted to coffee...and in love with one of our classmates, one Duncan Peter Harrison Wallace (do NOT ask me how I know his middle names, I just do, for the sake of my best friend other reason).

She is either blind or completely dislikes the guy because he is totally obsessed with her, and you'd think she would realize it on her own, as perceptive as she is about the guys that even simply spare a glance at me "the wrong way", but no, she is completely oblivious to it all.

Why do I believe Duncan has feelings (deep ones, at that) for my best friend? Well, let me explain my analysis of their relationship for you: One) he's always around her, be it sitting next to her in class so nonchalantly and quietly she never even notices him (even though he usually is the loudest person I know, together with my bestie herself). Two) he flirts with her, telling her about the most futile stuff in the whole universe, which sounds cringe to me but it's cute from his point of view...I suppose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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