More Than A Friend

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Many countries are often scared of Russia, meaning Russia doesn't make that many friends... at all. Of course that all changed when you met him.

After befriending the man named Russia he became very clingy and overprotective of you. Which is basically what he is doing right at this very second.

"Russia why exactly are you following me?" You ask turning your head to the smiling man.

"Hm? Because we are friends are we not, silly?" He warmly grins.

"I suppose you're right." You chuckle at the tall man looming over you.

"What's so funny? I do not understand." Russia asks tilting his head worryingly.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how cute you are sometimes." You smile at him endearingly.

"What?! Ahh... don't say something like that out of the blue! That makes me embarrassed..." Russia blushes quickly hiding his face.

"Alright, I'll stop." You laugh at his adorable reaction.

Both of you walk outside soon realizing how chilly it is, Russia notices.

"Here put on my coat." Russia begins to take his jacket off leaving you no time to deny his offer.

"Thank you, Russia." You blush at the kind gesture knowing that Russia was already used to cold weather.

"It's no problem at all." Russia warmly grins.

You both walk to a nearby picnic table underneath a tree as you both sit down. Both of you are silent, and it becomes awkward extremely quickly.

You take a small glance at the white haired man realizing he'd been staring at you the whole time. Which would probably be considered creepy, but Russia's social skills are... let's just say not the best. It's sort of endearing in a strange way though.

"Uhm... do you need something?" You ask confusedly.

"Nope!" Russia smiles happily as always. "I am fine just being with you!" He says kindly.

'Ah! What the hell... Why is Russia so forward sometimes?!' You think to yourself blushing.

For awhile you had been having these strange thoughts. Small things that Russia would do would fluster you so much you turn as red as a tomato. He's always been incredibly affectionate especially to you. So why has it been catching you off guard?

'Stupid, stupid, stupid...' You tell yourself smacking your face.

"Wha?! What are you doing?" Russia asks concerned.

"O-Oh! Err... nothing." You stutter embarrassed.

It becomes quiet once again both of you sitting next to eachother on the bench somewhat taking in eachother's warmth.

"Um... hey Russia. Can I talk to you about something?" You turn your head to the white haired male.

"Hm? What did you need to talk about? Has somebody hurt you?" Russia becomes worried. "I will find them as soon as possible and bring them an immense amount of indescribable pain." He smiles reassuringly.

"What- No! Nothing like that!" You answer somewhat concerned. "It's something else."

"Oh, I see! Please go ahead and tell me anything you'd like then." Russia grins.

You take a moment to take a deep breath in and out. "Will you go out with me?"

Russia stays silent for a moment expression serious before smiling once again. "Sure! Where do you want to go?" He claps his hands together.

"No... That's not what I meant." You reply awkwardly.

"Oh, I apologize. What do you mean then if not that?" Russia becomes serious once again.

"I want to date you Russia." You say looking directly into his eyes.

"Date...? You are funny." He laughs.

"No, I'm not joking. I really want to date you Russia. I want you to be my boyfriend." You say once again.

Russia sits and stares at you in silence for about 5 to 7 seconds. Before speaking up again. "You don't mean that." Russia says, expression remaining neutral.

"But I do. I love you Russia." You take his hands into your own.

Russia glances at your intertwined hands before looking up at you with a stern expression.

"You're not afraid?" Russia asks.

"Why would I be?" You reply tightening eachother's hands.

"I..." Russia loses thought.

"Is that okay?" You ask.

"Nobody on earth wants to be my friend... and here you are. You're my only friend I've ever truly had, but you wish to date me aswell? I don't understand why you stay." Russia says with a saddened expression as he starts to visibly shake.

"You're handsome and incredibly cute..." You begin to ruffle his hair. "Don't get me started on how funny you are sometimes." You snicker.

Russia dips his head into the crook of your neck despite being insanely tall.

"I love spending every moment with you. I want to be even more than friends." You start to rub his back calming him down.

"You... You are like an angel." Russia hugs you nuzzling into your neck more. "I love you aswell." You feel his tears run down your chest.

"Are you crying? You big baby." You laugh at him.

"No... I'm not." He sniffles rubbing his eyes.

You move his face up with a hand to look up at you. Lovingly placing a kiss on his lips before then wiping away his tears.

"Ahh... You make me so embarrassed..." He hides his face into the crook of your neck once again as you smile.

Both of you lay there for what felt like hours. Russia laying in your arms, and both of you enjoying eachother's company. It was a start of a wonderful thing.

More Than A Friend - Russia x Reader (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now