Chapter 34 - Shen Li Wants to Hit Somebody

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The man in Shen Li's grasp was so scared by the sight of her red eyes that he almost fainted. The immortal next to him was like-wise really frightened. He quickly apologized to Shen Li, urging her to release his friend, however Shen Li was too angry to hear his pleas.

Instead, the guy she was holding turned blue as her grip tightened.

This was not good so Xing Zhi called out to her.

Shen Li glanced at Xing Zhi. Although she didn't release her grip, she did loosen it enough for the man to breathe.

"Cruel . . . bar . . . baric . . . savage . . ."

As soon as he got some air, he commenced talking again.

Shen Li turned to him and gave him a cold smile.

"I wasn't going to kill you, but since you've worked so hard to convince me, I'll do you the favor. Aren't you lucky?"

Shen Li tightened her grip further causing his color to change from blue to purple as he foamed at the mouth. Out of fright, the other immortals cried out in alarm.

Xing Zhi reached out to her and touched her hand but he didn't force her to let go.

All he said was, "Hurting him will make things more difficult for the people of the Demon realm."

Shen Li gnashed her teeth.

"This person is full of venom, spewing slander against my people and insulting my emperor. Now I can't even maim or kill him. It's hard for me to settle the anger in my heart."

"Shen Li . . ." Xing Zhi sighed helplessly.

Shen Li didn't understand why it was bad to give vent to her anger by hurting the immortal in front of her. He and his kind constantly bad-mouthed her people with malicious gossip. It was frustrating to constantly be told to endure.

She roughly tossed the immortal onto the ground then walked away, kicking the shrubs in her path as she did so.

The other immortals rushed to aide their fallen comrade. He was dizzy and slightly bruised, but otherwise unhurt. They still felt the need to complain.

"He only said a few words, such uncalled-for anger. The demon people really have no empathy, so unforgiving!"

Shen Li was amazed at the irony of the words coming from the group of immortals.


She laughed a laughter filled with qi. The force shocked the immortals and shook their hearts, forcing them to cover their ears from the power.

"Isn't it because I empathized with you that I came and rescued you?"

In a fit of anger, she had continued speaking with qi in her voice and she would have continued some more had a hand not swiftly covered her mouth. All the qi was pushed back inside, making her take a step back in surprise.

She bumped into Xing Zhi when she did so. His chest was warm and his aura wrapped all around her. It was like a cool breeze had blown in and dispersed her resentment. All that remained was a stuffed up feeling in her chest that left her feeling flustered.

"My friends, just because those who captured you used demon magic doesn't mean someone from the demon race is involved. This could be a deliberate attempt to undermine the relationship between the two realms. My friends, I hope you do not listen to idle gossip and assist the villain inadvertently."

Shen Li felt the vibrations in Xing Zhi's chest as he talked. It had a lulling effect on her and she zoned out without realizing it, but her annoyance came back upon seeing the immortals in front of her nodding along to what he was saying. She pushed his hand away from her mouth and struggled out of his embrace.

The Legend of Shen Li (English Translation of Yu Feng Xing 与凤行)Where stories live. Discover now