Freya X Male Reader

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Ever since we're having with balder you would not be the same your brother soldiers and when they went to vanahiem. He came up with a plan.

Kratos: "Freya

Freya: "Yes.

Kratos: " Perhaps it is best if my brother go with you he is more delicate approach to these kind of things especially when it comes to magic and sorcery.

You look surprised at your brother. I've never been one to oppose a battle. You knew there was something more to this.

Freya: " I'm not sure of it's for the best besides that you owes me the debt.

Freya: " Yes, but you and him (Y/n)  know each other, You know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

(Y/n): " He might be right. We know we are limitations that come to magic. I'm just as skill as my brother. I'll take on his debt and pay and be full.

Freya: " Fine.

To do shut off to regain her hold in her realm, and while they were, you started talking.

(Y/n): " He knows your pain for you more than you know.

Freya: " How could either you know the pain of losing a child AWNSER ME?

(Y/n): " I had a niece named calliope.

Instantly, she stopped flying in her form and looked towards you shocked.

Freya: " There was another before atrees.

(Y/n): " My brother was a general. I was a second command in best tactididn't we failed against group barbarians and made a deal with the God of War of our lands.

She saw your hand shaking while holding the blades of death she helped you create. I open you are rich and given when you made the oath the Aries but destroyed by Zeus and the final battle taken the broken pieces and they are remaking them in midgard.

(Y/n): " We made a deal which causes ourselves and while destroying a village we weren't aware that my former sister and all and niece were there.

Freya: "(Y/n) I'm.... I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

(Y/n): " We burned olympus to the ground but not before finding our long-lost brother demos.

Freya: " You have a brother as well. Where is he.

(Y/n): " He was captured by the 2 gods when we were children. I was only close to infancy and just learned to walk, but we would assume they were the hands of the God death of our lands, and then we killed him.

For a state's silent listening to your story and I felt more pain not just for what you had to go through but the things she's done to you and not being there for you view when she had the chance.

(Y/n): " We burned olympus to the ground, and afterward, I sworn never to use magic again until one day i met you.

Freya: "Me?

(Y/n): " The moment i met you, i couldn't help but be entranced. Even now that you hate me, I still care for you. I'll be willing to die if it meant helping you in any way I could. I thought you were beautiful, but you were kind and caring. Even after everything you've been through, you are so determined, and I wanted to help you.

Freya: "(Y/n) I.... Thank you, I really need to hear that live it's OK could you tell me more about your past you don't have to but I'd really like to know.

You smiled and stopped talking about your journey together the things you've done, and she knew just how much you had been through.

Freya: "(Y/n) Listen i...I'm.... I'm so sorry for what I told you. I never hated you. I could never hate you. Whenin this over. We can go back to what was being together, I mean?

She turned into a human form, then looked towards you. You smiled and nodded your head.

(Y/n): " When this is over, we survive. Ragnarok will be together again, I promise, and we will survive.

Freya: " If I may ask your other blades. I've seen you're used to quite often alongside the others where you got them.

(Y/n): " My brother was given the blades of chaos mine or the polar opposite the blades of water they use electricity instead of fire from audio lightning to be precised.

Freya: " Then why did you want the blades of death?

(Y/n): " When I was a Spartan general, I had 2 blades swords. However, after my blood oath, they were destroyed. I kept the metal. I then later had them reforged by a blacksmith from my home he later died soon after.

The two of you found the spot with the realms roots holding the curse as another giant monster appeared and together that you two of you fought

(Y/n): " Let's finish this.

With all your Godly power to the blades you jumped up and stopped right in the chain was momentum and push it towards it, and stab you once again. Jamming the second blade right through its mouth into the ground, then Freya repeatedly shot at its neck and used the arrows, letting them cause them to explode and kill the creature.

Frederick walked up, trying to remove the roots until she saw your blade cut through 3 of them, and she finished the rest. Now she was free to trap the realms, then looked at you.

Freya: "(Y/n) Thank you. I think your brother did this for a reason.

(Y/n): " I'm not sure what that reason may be, but I'm glad he looked me take the ropes in this.

Freya nods and walked up to you both of you looking into each other's eyes she's slowly looked at me wrapped the arms around your neck, Yours wrapped around her waist and the 2 leaned in close then kissed. It I like an eternity neither if you want to let go until you need air and pull the way blushing beat red but smiling.

Freya: " I love you (Y/n) i always will.

(Y/n): " I love you too freya with all my heart.

The 2 of you smiled and walked back. Credit was seen the 2 of you holding hands and smiled. He saw you look towards him and nod your head, knowing full well what he planned.

Kratos: " After everything we've been through, you deserve this, brother.


Info: This is the first of two oneshots. I'm doing the second one before Thor's daughter's thrud, who had loved this character in the cut of the water ragnarch game

God of War Ragnarok Freya X Male Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now