Chapter Nine: Sad Breakfast club

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Not proofread

Jordan's POV

The play has started and let me just say that I am loving this so much, I feel hella confident right now especially with Josie and her pussycats here to support even my mom came but kinda bummed my dad bailed on coming

I watch Cheryl do her lines as the princess, soon after Dilton and Archie to their parts I walk on stage and act unfazed by the prop car coming towards me as I continue walking and the goth girl comes in as well

I look to the audience and see my mother smiling ear to ear as well as my sister and Betty, I smile back and go to my part of doing unnecessary shit like moving and knocking stuff over before looking to Cheryl as I pick my glasses up off my face

I look to Archie but he glares at me angrily, I keep my composure as I move to Dilton and points for him to get out of my sets which he does and I use his seat as a foot rest

The first act continues as it happens in the movie, I can't help but naturally gravitate towards Cheryl and I can tell Cheryl feels the same way as she and I bicker like we do usually in real life

I notice that Archie's lines feel like they have a deeper meaning behind them but I smile menacingly at him as I hit him with lines from my character that I know hit him too

We finish the second act and this is where the rebel and the princess start getting closer and I feel oddly excited which...isn't good, I look over to the audience again and I see my mom and sister looking at me with a look that I remember well


We get to the scene where our real assistant principal grills me on like Bender in the movie and I do my lines then he does his, I can't help but actually feel like shit a bit, this is how my father sees me and talks to me

Like I'll just be nothing and end up in jail or not accomplished

When Cheryl yells stop and mouths to me to chill out I can see she's looking at me with something else, like she's looks to comfort me

Is it that obvious that I'm affected by how I was spoken too

"You ok" Cheryl mouths and I just nod and give her a small smile before carrying on with the scene that was made pretty awkward thanks to the parents talk and Archie and i's tension being very obvious to the audience

I look over during some scenes and see Cheryl smiling at me and I can't help but feel a little warm inside at her smile, I try to push it back but it's been difficult given our characters

I walk over to Cheryl as a smile tries to play on my lips, I do my lines then we get to some tension with Bender and princess Claire

This scene is....something else

"You ever kissed a boy on the mouth" I say in a low voice and I see Cheryl shift in her seat as she looks at me closed mouthed

"Have you ever been felt up..over the bra...under the blouse, shoes off, hoping to god your parents don't walk in" I say slowly as I maintain an intense with Cheryl who looks nervous under my gaze

"Do you want me to puke" She says in a small voice

"Over the bra...blouse unbuttoned..Calvin's in a ball on the front seat..on a school night" I say and Cheryl looks at me like a deer in the headlights

"Leave her alone" Archie says and I look from Cheryl to him and I see the same hateful look he gives me but I don't say anything

"I said leave her alone" Archie says coming towards me and and I just lean up and stare at him

"You gonna make me" I say smugly and I add in a smile that I see infuriates him even more

"Yea" Archie says and I smile as this ain't us acting at all

I jump on top of the table and over to Archie as we size each other up and Dilton watches

"You and how ever many of your friends" I say threateningly

"Just me, just you and me...two hits, hittin you and hitting the floor..anytime your ready pal" Archie says and I hold myself from laughing

I back hand Archie a bit and he puts me in a genuine arm lock and brings me to the floor with more force than he needed too causing the audience to gasp and i to groan a bit in pain

"I don't wanna get into this with you man" I say not fazed and trying not to sound angry and beat his ass

"Why not" Archie says letting go of me and getting up, I get up as well

"Cause I'd kill's real simple...I'd kill you and your fuckin parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and I don't care enough about you" I say as I back up from Archie, Archie mutters chicken shit and I pull out the switchblade causing Archie to freeze in place as I stab the table

The scene continues and so does the play with Cheryl and I exchanging looks and Archie and I pretending to tolerate each other

The play finishes as I take Cheryl's hand and Archies as we bow to the audience as they give us a standing ovation

I smile as I see Betty looking at me with a very..none innocent look causing me to smirk at her, I head back to my dressing room after talking with Dilton and Ginger for a bit, didn't realize they were dating but cool

I walk to the audience and look for Betty and my family but I don't see them causing me to sigh, they must be outside

"Oh shit I forgot the flowers Betty gave me and my phone" I say before running backstage and to my dressing room

I open my door and see something that made my dick twitch and my brain scramble like it was put in a blender

Cheryl's bare back as she changes out of her costume

I stand there and stare but thankfully my brain catches up to me and I cover my eyes and clear my throat

"I uh Cheryl sorry I uh...came to get my phone" I say nervously and I hear a gasp telling me she didn't realize I was in here

"Oh sorry Jordan I thought you left..uh here" Cheryl says and I feel a hand on mine and my phone in my hand, she then take my hand and moves it from my eyes

"Oh uh thanks Cher" I say nervously as I look into her eyes and I see....lust...what the fuck

Damns that's sexy

"No problem Jordan....go before Betty gets worried" Cheryl says with a small smirk playing in her lips and I snap back into reality and nod

"Oh uh yea um see you at school" I say before heading out of the dressing room and closing the door, I let of a heavy breath before looking down and seeing a very noticeable boner in my pants

"Fuck" I say before fixing myself and walking out of the school to see Betty talking with Josie and my mom when they suddenly spot me

"Hey Bender" Josie says causing me to laugh a little as she comes and hugs me and says I did great and my mom does the same

"You did amazing baby" Betty says excitedly and I hug her back awkwardly, I look over to see Archie smirking at Betty and winking at her

I look over to Betty and see her bite her lip a little at him causing me to frown my eyebrows a bit

"Thank you baby, ready for our date" I say causing Betty to look at me and smile

"Of course, lest go" She says and I smile before intertwining our fingers and putting my arm  around Josie

I look over to my mom and she gives me a look and I just smile a bit causing her to do the same

As excited as I am to hang out with my girlfriend, I can't help but things of a certain redhead

A/n lol this shit is wild......hahaahahahha


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