Chapter 11: Man Above, Give Me Patience!

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Tengen-san's dangerous mission is complete and without a hitch thanks to the Nature Hashira. Sure, the people assigned on it would've done without her, but she wanted to make sure. No, Flora needed to make sure that nothing has changed too much with her back home and Kyojuro alive.

Nothing did thankfully, but there was one part of dialogue that made her hairs stand on end.

To paraphrase, Nezuko and Tanjiro aren't the only ones with targets littered all over them by Muzan and the upper moons. The Shizen decendent is as well. With the messenger not coming back two weeks ago from the ruined house, they caught whiff of what must've happened.

On a more peaceful note, Kyojuro and Flora's relationship is going smoothly for participating in the middle of the war. He would train her along with the other hashiras and would hang out with her on her free time. On missions together, they would be more tame on affection for the sake of getting the job done and going home. Therefore, it's mostly smooth because of balance in any given situation.

Flora was kind of hoping that it would stay that way if it wasn't for her boyfriend wanting his family to meet her. She heard the rumors of his father drinking again, so to escape a disaster from happening, she said she already met them.

This was Rengoku's reply:

"I know they've already met you, Sunflower, but they met 'Shima-san, the savior'. Not Flora Shizen, my partner in courtship. I want them to see who I plan to spend the rest of my life with in the future! Plus, Senjiro is already looking foward to seeing his future nii-san!"

And with a flash of his shining smile and kiss on the lips, she is hooked and agreed bashfully.

Two days before the meeting, Flora is ashamed to have fallen for the Kyo's charm. She had brought a yellow formal kimono that is, once again, too small for her assets, so Kyojuro took it to someone to modify it for her. She is embarrassed for her body, but he had said otherwise many times; it gave him much more to spend yens on other than himself and his family. Plus he LOVES spoiling her whenever he can despite bringing in her own moolah.

She brought a yellow cotton choker, natural perfume, and a yellow headband. Flora figured since the flame hashira loves calling her "his sunflower", she may look the part.

Before you ask, yes they exist. If not in the anime and manga, then they do here.

Tonight is Friday. It's a beautiful night for his sunflower to bloom.

Flora's POV-->

I came out of my room in front of Kyo dressed and dolled up to my displeasure. I didn't want the gold eyeshadow, but I couldn't turn down Mitsuri's request.

'I sometimes hate that I'm weak for eyes and smiles.'
"Flora! You look gorgeous this evening!"

I smiled as he has on a black formal kimono and wooden sandals.

"I seem to be over-dressed more like, but might I say, you are quite dashing."
"Nonsense! You are the most beautiful sunflower out there! Any compliment from you, I'll appreciate tenfold. Shall we depart to my household?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his right one while talking about my day. I have mastered Fire Breathing, Water Breathing, and Nature Breathing thus far. However, out of all of them, I feel Music Breathing got me connected to the world itself. In fact, it did. It takes so much concentration though, and it's the hardest to focus on while in battle. Suspicious how I can combine notes with my once daily boring life, but it's quite a struggle when swinging a scythe.

"You've came far compared to when I first saw you wield your father's scythe in the other world. He would be proud to see you hold it with honor and with his breathing style next."
"Thank you, Kyo. I'll make sure to do Hypno Breathing justice."
"I have faith you will," He smiled then kissed my cheek.

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