The Theif

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                                                                               Chapter 1

I'm walking down the road to go home from school, when all of a sudden I hear the blaring of sirens. I look behind me to find out that they were coming towards me. First I thought to myself just to stay calm but as they were getting closer I started to panic since I got into a fight at school today. i lost the fight becouse i don't like to fight and I couldn't protect myself that well. I could still hear the sirens and got really nevous. Sweat started coming from every were and I didn't know what to do. I started panicing even more. It got realy hard to breath. I couldn't take all this fear going through my body.

The fear got stronger and was racing through me.. it got harder and harder to stay calm. Then all of a sudden the sirens are directly behind me like they actually were chasing after me. So I just stop walking and closed my eyes, when all of the sudden I can here the sirens next to me and the car is stopped. I hear the door shut and the man shouting to get down, so I listened. I thought that the voice sounded familiar. I opened my eyes to see my dad laughing so hard because he could tell that I was incredibly scared. Your'e only suppost to exparience this much fear like you see in the movies. It feels like it's so bad for you and it seems like my heart is about to explode from all of this.

I stand up and walk towards him quite madly. "Got you good didn't I Ben" he said. "Ya, but your the only one whose laughing because you think its funny scaring your kid to believe he is about to get arrested" I said. "Please don't ever do that again".  "No promises" he says. So I just get in the car and try to forget the fact that he just did that to me. On the way home he keeps taunting me on how bad he scared me so I ignore him, but I try not to make it obvious that I am. When we drive up in the parking lot he gets out and just leaves me. Of course I can't get out since I'm in the back seat of the police car. He finally comes back to lets me out. He has completely changed out of his uniform and it looks like he also had a snack since you can still see it around his mouth.


                                                                               Chapter 2

Once he let me out I go staight up to my room and shut the door so I don't have to deal with him anymore. Before I can even get situated there's continuous knocking on the front door. So I go down to answer it when all of a sudden the knocking stops and I look out and nobodies there. I'm amazed how some people act so childish. So I lay down and the next thing I notice is a gun shot and aloud scream from the neighbors house at two o clock in the morning. I rush outside to see what happened and there's a man running out of the house with a bag full of stuff. The lady runs out of her house straight to me saying he's dead. My dad runs out with his gun but the man is already gone. She tells him her fiance was shot and that she believes he is dead. I take her inside and call for an ambulance. When they arrived they took the man away. He was alive but barely breathing so she went with him. Of course I have to stay and get interigated since I'm a witness.

Three days after the accident the police haven't gotten anywhere in there search. My friend Jacob and I decide it would be fun to look for the person. So we start with our investigation since I know everything that happened at the crime. First we make a list that says: Gender MALE, Race White, Height 5 11" , Hair blond, and Medium Built. I find it interesting since Jacob fits that description perfectly. The next few days there's been reports of many more house robberies. Jacob started acting different like he became more cocky and less afraid. So I decide to close the case and give up, but that's what I wanted him to think. I started the investigation on my own. It's kind of weird that an honors student like Jacob would do something like this. Now honestly everybody seems to have started acting weird and it's completely confusing me.


                                                                                  Chapter 3

Finally we have a four day weekend so now I can finish on the investigation. Out of no where I get a call from a mysterious person who claims to have something of mine. He says if I want it back I need to come to the abandand hotel and bring all of the work on the investigation. So I tell him "no" since I know I'm not missing anything and I wouldn't give up all of my hard work. When all of a sudden I receive a picture. The picture was horrifying and almost made me cry. I told him fine you win, I'll be there in ten minutes.So I leave the house with the papers to go get my dad. I thought about calling the cops but that could put my dad in a lot of danger. So I decided it was best just to go alone.

Luckily, I know my to the hotel so it wont take long to get there. I'm running to the hotel and I see Joe's dinner so I know I'm still a wile away. I cant stop thinking of the picture over and over again in my mind. Then I see a different hotel and thankfully I'm almost there. I can't believe a person would do something like this.This man is such a monster that I want to kill him so bad. I don't care if I end a bad mans life to save a good manes life. Even if it means going to jail for a wile. I see the hotel and I run faster. I still keep thinking about the picture, that horable picture. The picture was of a man tied up and beaten. That man in the picture was my dad.

I finally arrived at the hotel and the first thing I see is my dad. I rush up to him but then I see the man. I stop as he walks up to me and then just stands there. I don't even know the man, so how does he know me, my dad, and my investigation. He asks for the papers and claims he will let me and my dad go. Of course I don't believe him but what can I do.I can only think about the safty about my dad. So I hand the papers over. He takes them and sets them on the ground. Then he pours gasoline all over them and lights it. All of my hard work is destroyed but at least my dad and I are safe. He then looks at me and reaches into his pocket. Without hesitation he pulls out a gun and points it straight at me. The man is at point blank, I'm surely going to die if he shoots. I look straight at him and I see him pulling the trigger and BOOM.


                                                                                 Chapter 4

He falls to the floor dead with blood everywhere. I know he didn't kill himself since he didn't move the gun until he fell. So somebody else in the room killed him. I didn't see or hear anybody come in. I look around and there's a figure standing in the doorway. I look to see if I reconize him but I don't. Next thing I notice is that the person is walking out the door. I chase after him hoping to catch up. When I reach the door and look out he's gone. So I yell thanks hoping he can hear me and know that i'm glad he saved us . I go back inside to untie and make sure my dad is ok. Once that's finished I take my dad and we head back home.

A few days later after everything is back to normal I check the mail and there's a note in there for me. There isn't a returning address. So I open it and it says " YOU ARE WELCOME" REM. Now that makes me very curious. I want to find out who the person is who saved both me and my dads life. So I go to my room and start another investigation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2013 ⏰

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