Chapter I

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"Hell yeah, Vegas, baby!" Dean shouted excitedly. Sam just rolled his eyes and chuckled, picking up the remaining belongings of him and his brother.

"Oh c'mon Sammy, you gotta be at least a little bit stoked. Women, booze, gambling, women, drinks with those fancy umbrella things, women..." Dean listed off with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah Dean. I know. And I am excited. I've been waiting for a while to go on a vacation. Just sucks I gotta drag you along."

"Get in the damn car." Dean snapped.

Sam flashed him a 'just saying' expression, but slid into the passenger side of the black Impala. Dean was soon to follow, turning the key in the ignition. A small smile lit up his face hearing the familiar sound as he pulled out of the motel's parking lot.

A few mix ups and a couple hours later, Sam and Dean finally agreed on a route to take.

"I should decide, I'm the driver." Dean grumbled under his breath.

Sam just turned up the radio a few notches, signaling he wasn't going to take the conversation any further.

Dean had been saving up for Vegas for a little over three months, which wasn't a whole lot, considering he was just a mechanic. Sammy was a low­key lawyer, and pretty good at it too, so he had a bit more cash in his pocket. But regardless, both were ecstatic to finally take a much needed vacation together.

Dean reached over and turned down the radio.
"I got us a hotel for three days, ehmm... something Hotel... Asylum? Ellisiam?" Dean trailed off.


"Yeah, yeah! That's its. Elysium. Supposed to be decent, good reviews on Yelp." Sam turned to face his brother.

"You checked Yelp?" His face was a mix between humored and surprised.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, man! I want to stay somewhere nice for once, especially when I'm gonna be in Las Vegas. A dingy motel is gonna kill my buzz." He explained.

"Are we sharing a room like usual, or are we getting separate this time?" Sam asked.

"Separate. Well, they're connected, but two different rooms. I just thought you would be uncomfortable with all the chicks that are going to be visiting."
Sam laughed lightly, but soon it was pleasantly quiet in the car. Only ten more hours to go.
"Last names?" The clerk said in an irritated tone.

"Oh, uh, Winchester." Dean replied, pulled from his train of thought.

The girl handed him two key cards, and another two brightly colored credit cards. Before Dean could say anything, she began to speak again.

"203 and 204. Have a great stay at Hotel Elysium. Please accept these complementary point cards for Heaven Casino. More points can be purchased at our special points booth by the Heaven Casino afterwards." The women said unenthusiastically.

Dean could see why she was like that. Having to deal with all dumb tourists and bratty kids all day running through the place, probably lost and confused as fuck.

Dean nodded a quick thank you, and motioned for Sam to follow him, walking over to the elevator. One was just about to open up, and so Sam and Dean walked on without hesitation, pressing the button '20th'. ("I mean, that's where it's gotta be, right?" Dean mumbled.)

"Seriously? Beethoven, on a fucking elevator? Can't we get some actually good music?" Dean said with slight annoyance.

"Well, it's called 'elevator music' for a reason. 'Supposed to be neutral." Sam explained as he watched the numbers go up and up.
Dean slid the card into the receiver door for the fourth time. The light just blinked red again, signaling an unsuccessful entry.

"Damn it... Just. Open." The key was jammed in once more, only to be met by the same light.

"Glide it gently, genius."

Dean just shoved the key card into his brother's hand, and watched as Sam opened it with ease.

He rushed forward, and pushed open the door. Grinning, he took in the room around him.

There was a small kitchen with steel appliances and gray countertops to the left, with matching hanging lights. A large couch in the middle of what seemed to be a living room, light blue walls and white accents, and a huge TV.
He could see a couple other rooms, like a bathroom, something that looked like a dining room, and something else.

Sam walked over to the door connecting the rooms, traveling to his own.

And that's when Dean saw the master bedroom. King sized bed that looked like heaven, and yet another TV. A fairly stained dresser and side table were there too, and Dean stopped to admire it all, even though he didn't know shit about interior design.

Laughing, Dean dropped his suitcase and jumped onto the bed, burying his face in the cloud like pillows.

Deans laughs were muffled by the pillow.




I don't even know if I like this chapter...


What do you guys think?

Sorry Dean hasn't met Castiel yet, but I want it to be special, and I want some introduction first. Some build up.

Regardless of how shitty this story will be I'm so fucking excited to write it BC I love my AU idea
(excuse my slight pompous attitude)


Please leave comments of what you think, suggestions for the story, grammatical errors you spot (: I will read them all

-opal ❤️

P.S. I'm excited. Okay bye.

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