the beginning

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"Fight , fight!"

They were getting restless now. In the next minute either myself or the tall woman in front of me will be on the ground.

I try to ease my familiar nerves by staring at the crowd each placing their bets. Most of them I recognise. I watch as they put their certain money next to my name and wait for the signal.

"Alright in three, two, one..."

I am met by an alarming sound followed by a strike to my ribs. I hiss in pain while holding my body when I notice an open target. I send a kick to the back of her knee causing her to stumble to the ground abruptly. I wasn't planning on losing today, I worked too hard for this. As her head shifts to the side, I take it as my chance to send another punch to her cheek.

After a few more blows to her helpless bones, the alarm buzzes again. This time finishing it.

I wipe the fresh blood from my defeated opponent off my knuckles and raise my fist in victory. 38 seconds, not my best.

Mixed emotions soar through the crowd mainly in my favour. Nothing will ever surpass this feeling. The feeling of honour, validation.
I didn't let them down.

I hear the sound of a mic screeching until Alan, the host, announces the obvious winner. "There you have it ladies and gents, "Lexi" has won yet another match sending her through to the final match of death on December 17th. Who will be joining her? Bets will be open until December 5th. There can only be one"

I can't say that I hate Alan. In fact, he was the one who helped me when I was nothing. He turned me into a fighter and for that I owe him everything. I just hope he doesn't take it away from me.

Sometimes I feel like he's the only one who understands me, or listens. He helped me through the hardest time of my life last year. He makes me feel important.

Fighting makes me important.

I have made a name for myself here. "Lexi" will be fighting against another champion from around London in less than four months and I couldn't be more terrified. There can only be one, he said. And I better hope that it will be me.

A wheezing noise snaps me out of my thoughts and I switch my attention to the ground. The woman who I just fought was laying on the floor in agonising pain, waiting for any decent soul to call an ambulance.

If there is any rule in here it's that medical care is not provided. If you die, it's on you. Yeah it's pretty shit but you know what you're getting yourself into. It's illegal for a reason.

I know I should feel even a sense of guilt, but I don't. I hate myself for it but after two years in this business I no longer feel compassion. At least in this place.

I greet a few bidders as they leave the building not even batting an eye to the beaten lady beneath them. To these people it's just another Sunday. And to me, I guess.


I got the bus home not too long after the fight finished. I don't like waiting around in that street, who knows what the fuck could happen to me alone.

I managed to sneak past my brothers and sisters watching tv in the living room. Well not as much "sneaking" as them not acknowledging my existence.

I have a good relationship with my siblings. At least I've been told that by practically all of my friends who have some sort of war with theirs. I mean, I find them annoying at times. A lot. but I understand that I'm lucky and it's the one thing I don't want to ruin in my life.

Charlie and Olivia, my 6 year old twin little brother and sister and also funnily enough, the two who my mum lets get away with murder. I swear the amount of times they have stole shit from my bedroom and conveniently "lost" hasn't required any punishments yet.

Jayden, I guess I can tolerate. He plays the big brother role by covering for me each time I stay out a "little too late". I don't how he comes up with some of his stories though, probably something to do with his endless supply of weed he gets from his "friend". I trust him a lot. Mainly when he's not stoned.

Holly, my older sister. I don't know much about her if I'm being honest. She's beautiful. She's the sibling that every single one of my teacher has asked me about as if I idolise her or something. I can't say it wasn't hard to when constantly being reminded of her achievements by my parents. She recently moved out and bought a flat in the city with her boyfriend she so "desperately can't live without". I'm happy for her, really.

And Tara, my younger sister, though in the same year as me. My mum wanted me to start school late so we could "look out for each other" which has clearly worked out wonderful for us since we spoke I think...twice to each other in school since we were 5. We have different social lives and we understand that, way more now since I'm not even in her school anymore. That's a whole other story.

I have a normal family. A perfect family. Something had to go wrong I guess. And it just happened to be me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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