Chapter 20: Influx of Counterparts

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Chapter 20: Influx of Counterparts

Back in Chaldea, Cuchulainn Lancer, Medb and the other Servants in that group hurried to the royal lounge to inform Ritsuka, Roman and everyone else what happened. Everyone was particularly stunned with Cuchulainn Alter's transformation into a Foreigner, aided by Van Gogh's Noble Phantasm, and subsequent disappearance into another dimension. They were at least relieved that the Hedrons were no longer attacking the facility, but now they had to worry about assessing the damage and repairing it as expediently as possible so they would be ready for the Seventh Singularity. There wasn't really much time to afford thinking about what happened with Connla and Alter, although there were plenty of people worried about what was going to happen with them.

Medb seemed particularly down as she sat on a plush chair in the royal suite. The Casters had already dismantled their Chaldea Workshop and allowed the evacuees to return to their work. This left the suite nearly abandoned save for herself and Gilgamesh, who stood over her with his arms crossed and typical arrogant glare in his eye.

"So that's what the Mad Mongrel's plan was," the Babylonian king remarked after listening to the Celtic queen's story. "I must admit, that kind of foolish strategy certainly lives up to my expectations that someone possessing such wildness would come up with."

"I had thought about stopping him, but Cu seemed insistent on going through with it," Medb said.

"Come now, what is with the forlorn gaze? You stomped the enemy beneath your heel as you said you would. As a queen, you should be more satisfied than that."

"Oh, believe me, I enjoyed every second of it. It's just... I don't know... things don't seem the same unless Cu and Connie are around to celebrate with me."

"Such sentimental prattling. I thought you were more resolute with your contradictory 'pure-hearted wickedness' character than that."

"Hmph. What would you know? Unlike me, you're terrible at making relationships with others. Whether they be slaves, lovers or vassals, at least I have the courtesy to repay those who shower me with their respects. How can I do that when those people disappear on me so suddenly?"

Gilgamesh smirked. "Me? Terrible with relationships? It's only natural that I am. I stand above all others as the link between the heavens and the earth."

"Ugh, just leave already," Medb scoffed and grumpily glared away. "I'm not in the mood to listen to another one of your self-absorbed spiels."

"Hm... I suppose your melancholy genuinely is at its lowest. Well, as much as I would like to make myself scarce from your toxic existence, I'm actually waiting for someone."

"Who? Everyone's already left. You should have followed them."

"Perhaps you should see for yourself. Even without my precognitive abilities, I can already guarantee that it will make you jump from your seat."

Medb stared at Gilgamesh, unsure of what to make of such a vague statement. Before she could ask him anything though, someone knocked on one of the locked doors leading into some extravagant private rooms. These doors could only be locked from the outside, and it was already confirmed that no one went inside when everyone departed. Medb immediately became confused when she heard the knocking, and was even more alarmed when she heard someone calling out.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" an unknown woman's muffled voice shouted from the other side. The knocking continued several times, and the doorknob jiggled a bit.

Luckily, Gilgamesh had all of the lounge's keys on him. With an irritated huff, he unlocked the proper door to allow a strange lavender-haired lady through. As Medb analyzed this girl's features, she quickly realized that she looked very much the same as someone else she knew, and her jaw dropped slightly as she exhaled a muted gasp.

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