I Wish

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It was a rainy night in Ninjago City. The streetlights all shown bright like the beam of a lighthouse breaking through a storm. It had been weeks since the disaster with the Crystal King, but the damage it caused was still being repaired. The sound of sirens and cars honking filled the sky along with the sound of the downpour. A few lights along the street I lived flickered. Some were still bent and mangled from the disaster. I could hear the sound of the storm beating against the window of my apartment as I sat on my couch. The gleam of the teapot I held in my hand flickered because it was reflecting the broken lamppost outside. I gave a heavy sigh and closed my eyes as I rubbed the golden relic for what I was sure would be the last time. A cloud of orange smoke rose from its spout and began swirling around me like a gentle tornado. I kept my eyes shut as I felt his presence suddenly appear behind me.

“Looks like someone finally decided on his last wish…” his voice was smooth yet menacing.

I sighed as I opened my eyes and faced the monster.

“Yah. I have. It took a while to figure out, but I know what I want.”

A devious smile crawled up his face. He began floating around the room with his arms crossed; waiting for me to speak. He seemingly got impatient and started talking himself.

“Let’s see… First, you wished for people to adore you like they did when you were younger, that led to your movie not only being created, but admired by all who watched it. Next, you wished to be accepted back into the Explorers Club, so I gave you the Storm Amulet. As you wished, it not only got you accepted, but I replaced the real one with a decoy so you wouldn’t get caught. So now…. I assume you wish for more riches, fame, GLORY?” The djinns eyes shown with readiness.

However, I knew he wouldn’t be ready for what I was about to do. Even I didn’t know if I was ready myself.

“My family. I want my family back.” I said as I stood up to get closer to his eye level. He paused. He looked confused.

“Your… family?” Nadakhan tilted his head and his eyes narrowed.
I nodded. “Here’s my argument—”
A long time ago I lost some people who were very close to me. We were more than just a team of explorers, hell, we were more than friends. We were a family. And you better believe our job was dangerous; funny thing was, we knew that. In fact, we freaking loved it… but one specific mission ended in the biggest regret of my life…….
Letting the only family I had out of my sight for even a minute. Earlier, a shadowy figure had appeared on the screen of the large TV at our base in  L.E.G.O headquarters. He mocked my team and I that he had a hostage from our department. He gave us the coordinates, and we followed them to a ginormous warehouse-like structure in the middle of nowhere. We ran as fast as we could down the dark hallways trying to locate the villain we were after. The shadow man had been a mystery for the longest time, and we’ve stopped many of his criminal operations in the past. But all of them were always being led by his henchmen, never the boss himself. That seemed to be changing that night. He’d caused enough misery for the people of the city! We were going to find him and take him out personally, once and for all. At least, that’s what we thought……

As we made our way through the corridors of the building, I told them all to keep as quiet as possible to avoid being caught. They nodded in response. The walls of the hallway we were standing in were made of concrete. The floor was most likely the same, but it was covered in metal plating.

“So, what’s the plan when we find the hostage?” A woman with blond hair and a maroon jumpsuit asked.

“Oh! We free him then give the baddies a beat down, ya?” Interjected a spunky young man with spiked orange hair and red goggles. He spoke in a very upbeat German accent.

“OR..” A man with brown hair, a mustache, and a firefighter outfit on cut in. “Do we get to make something explode!?” he sounded very excited about his idea.

I face palmed and gave a chuckle at how some people never truly change. It was honestly pretty amusing.

“Alright, here’s the plan.” I started. “Once we figure out what situation the hostage is in, we need to make sure we can successfully get them out unharmed. Peg, that’s were you come in.” I gestured to the blond girl. “Bernie, Brick, and I will take care of the fighting position while you get the victim out. After they’re safe, you have to come back and help us take care of the main guy. Got it?”
Variations of agreements were said. I nodded, then motioned for us to continue on down the corridor. It wasn’t long before a swarm of minions ambushed us from the dark. We were used to this kind of thing. Heck! It was our job. As the awesome team we were, we took them all down. As we all group fist bumped, we didn’t notice a henchmen behind us. In his last moments of consciousness, he pulled the trigger on his hand gun. We heard one BAM, and Brick’s victory expression faded to a look of horror. Peg noticed the henchmen smirk as he passed out. Brick crumpled to the ground and we caught him right as he was about to fully hit the floor. My eyes began flooding with tears as I realized what just happened.

“Brick, buddy… it’s ok. We- we’re going to get you help! Just hang in there!” I panicked as I looked at the others for help, but they were in just as much shock as I was. We BEGGED him to stay awake, but within a few minutes we had said goodbye, and our friend was gone. I placed him down and stood up tall. With clenched fists, and a new reason to kick this evil guys ass, I bolted ahead in pure rage. And when that’s your drive, you don’t see clearly. I’d soon realize that I’d learn that the hard way. Peg and Bernie caught up with me as I hid around a corner.

“Clutch, I understand how you feel right now, vut you must not take your eyes off the mission!” Bernie whisper yelled. I was honestly changing the plan as he was saying that attempting to calm me down. I snapped my gaze to them. They startled with the sudden movement, but they were more worried about the new-found hell fire burning in my eyes. “Listen, change of plans! We no longer care about the hostage… This is a REVENGE MISSION now! We get to the big bad and beat them to a pulp!” I pulled my blaster, the one my friend Arthur gave me, out of its holster. Peg put her gentle hand on my shoulder. She started to attempt to reason with me, but in a rage, I smacked her hand off then ran away.

“Clutch! Wait!” She yelled.

The final wish (a Ninjago/Clutch Powers story)Where stories live. Discover now