Ideas Part 1

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Story Ideas, because most of them are carbon copies of other ones, and I'm bored at school. Honestly, you can use any of these for any fandom or universe that you made.

Finding an object and keeping it because it's shiny. That object ends up causing you to have some type of power, and so they keep that object with them at all times. Later on, the object fuses with your skin.

Going to a museum which has a little trinket that opens portals to a different universe (Random trigger word like a funny swear, saying, and joke. Ex. You intolerable ass rat.)

Getting in a coma and transporting into another universe from the coma. When they sleep in that universe, they can go to their universe as a ghost and float around - Wakes up after like an hour as a ghost, but it is like 7 hours in that universe.

Dying and going to the afterlife, but after a little issue, they fall into a wormhole at the edge of (Insert afterlife place that you want in your story. Ex. Valhalla.) where the land meets nothingness. Ends up falling for around 13 hours in the wormhole before crashing into the side and getting launched into a universe.

Digging a hole in the ground and ends up finding an unknown power source (Ex. Liquid, minerals, gemstones, weird glass) which gives them some type of power.

Accidentally cutting their hand at school with scissors while trying to make an art craft and finding out they have enhanced healing.

Using a calculator to do some of those sentences with numbers, ends up summoning some type of creature.

Trying on your friend's old hat and ends up going back in time, finding out that the friend is from the past.

Playing with your earbuds and accidentally tangling them to the point that they disappear, bringing you with them.

Waking up and accidentally rolling off the bed, finding a portal under their bed along with a small note explaining why it's there.

A mirror that, when touched, pulls you into another universe.

Playing at a playground and ending up running too far in the woods, finding a strange house that... (Insert idea.)

Diving into a pool and ending up tearing the fabric of the universe.

Getting sent to jail only to find out someone with your face has been doing (Insert something illegal) causing the authorities to track you down and throw you in jail.

Taking a hike in the woods, only to find some type of magical or mythical portal of some sort connecting to another land.

Going on a cruise ship and that ship ends up passing Antarctica and arriving at some undiscovered land that can't be seen from space.

Lighting something on fire by accident and getting lit on fire causing (Insert event)

Power Ideas that are unique

Crystallokinesis (Controlling gemstones and minerals. Can make cool things and can turn it into a business.)

Atom Manipulation (Can turn any atoms into other atoms as long as you know the code.)

Chemical Manipulation (Can turn water into a liquid that forces the human body to grow wings.)

Glass Manipulation (You could make epic sculptures and glass that is extremely strong ; Maybe for a sword.)

Hair Manipulation (Can literally turn your hair into any object.)

Wish Book (Literally how it sounds, you can write a wish in the book and over time, it manifests. Making it manifest right away would be too OP, so make it, so it can take years - Not allowed to speed up the manifestation process)

Illusion Manipulator (Can do anything ; Illusions can be made to feel real, look real, and blind senses into thinking it is real. The downside is that you can't hurt anyone.)

Energy Manipulation (Basically turn energy into anything - An object ; Animal ; Lightning?)

Temperature manipulation (You can freeze people to death, burn them, etc. without actually causing fires or having a snowstorm. )

Sound manipulation (Can make people deaf, immobilized, or have sensitive hearing. Good for apprehending people.)

Appearance Manipulation (Good for people that go on missions where they need to not look like themselves. Can also be used to change hair, clothes, etc. Often the person with this power has their desired looks ; Can change other people's looks.)

Shield Manipulation (Often disks of some type - Can be sharp and used for a weapon, but can be used as an actual shield.)

Fingernail Manipulation (You can literally have claws or turn them into guns that shoot sharp fingernail bullets.)

Partial Shapeshifting (Able to take on features of certain animals, but can't fully turn into an animal)

Electronic Manipulation (Can use electronics as transportation, portals, or homes. You can also get items or characters from games, movies, videos, or TV shows and bring them to the real world as long as they are somehow in the electronic)

Sigil Manipulation (Can make sigils to do something - Similar to magic spells, but you have to write down or draw these sigils.)

No need to credit me, I honestly just forced my brain to pay rent in free stuff that you can use.

Have fun with ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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