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Before proceeding to my stories, I hope you can lend me some time to read this.

My goal was to finish a story, compile all the chapters, and remove them here afterward. However, that didn't happen as few readers got to know them when I tried my luck posting about my first series on another platform. I decided to keep them posted here as readers found comfort in them.

With that being said, please be aware that my stories, most especially the ACADEMY SERIES, aren't at their bests. There are parts I wished I didn't write, hoped that I'd written better, and thought I'd written differently. I acknowledge all their flaws and shortcomings. That's where I look for what to improve and where to grow as a writer. I treasure all my work, but I am also aware I can write better, I will keep trying.

So if you are here to read, know that you're about to take a peek at my journey right from the beginning. My growth might not be linear, but now that I'm trying.


1. All criticisms are welcome, feel free to call me out once you encountered something wrong or off. I'd love to get called out and be corrected RESPECTFULLY. It will be helpful if it's addressed correctly so it won't fuel further misunderstanding. Enlighten me of the things you think are inappropriate.

2. I want to keep this place peaceful, so PLEASE, if you think your comment will start a war between people, don't drop it, especially if it's irrelevant. (If it is, go, you have the freedom.)

3. If you think your comment is disrespectful and still proceeded to say it, don't put SORRY at the beginning or the end of your sentence; that doesn't make sense.

4. If you think my stories aren't your kind of tea, feel free to grab a different cup. Get yourself comfortable, love. You don't have to force yourself to read these stories if you don't want or can't handle them. It's your choice to give them a chance or not. Your comfort and interest should be your priorities.

5. There are trigger warnings in my stories. PLEASE take them seriously.

6. Respect other authors, okie? As long as you are not here in my space and you are not reading my stories, refrain from talking about my characters. In simple words, do not comment on other stories about my characters.

7. You are free to voice out your opinions and express your feelings but make sure you are doing it the right way.

8. My characters are not perfect, even their beliefs and opinions. You are not required to agree with them. I'd love to get my characters criticized for their mistakes as well.

9. Take note that I am not my characters. I think I don't have to elaborate it.

10. To my readers, let's always stay on our feet. I hope you don't engage in any fights. I treasure you all the most! Let's keep our small family peaceful.

I call my readers Elixirs, We'd be happy to welcome you into the family!

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