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"Would you stop moving this much?" I asked, pulling from his hair to stop him from stirring

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"Would you stop moving this much?" I asked, pulling from his hair to stop him from stirring. Receiving a few grunts from the latter, which I gladly ignored. "Act your age, Bachihara."

"Oh, but, come on! My head's itching, a lot. It's unbearable!" He closed his eyelids, brows furrowed as I held his head tightly. "Plus, it's Bachira. There's no ha in my name. 'Ba-chi-ra'. See?" The brunette intended to turn his head in my direction; but, once again, I pulled his hair. "I said, stop moving. Bachihara." I spoke; my only intention being, to piss him off. His distress causes me great enjoyment, I have to admit.

With indignation on his face, he exhaled a breath. "What? Got nothin' else to say?" I asked, highly disappointed at him shutting up. Had I been too imperious? "Come on, child. Talk, entertain me. If you don't do as I ask, I'll cut all of your hair." My words spilled from my mouth, sounding harsher than I intended, but without any falsity in my statement. I grabbed the scissors, showing them to him by the mirror's reflection. "You were whining a second ago, how come you've closed your pretty little mouth?"

His gaze that had been lightering on the floor raised till it met my eyes. A smile on his face.

"You think I have a pretty mouth?"

His question caught me off guard and made me look down at him, my eyes meeting his. I don't know, would be the answer to his questions. As I had spoken without a second thought, I didn't know if I meant what I said. "Well," I began, carefully placing my hand on his cheek, softly pulling from it, and reaching him closer. 

The gentle breeze blew my face, calming the warmth that had once lingered on my skin cause of the heated sunbeams. My uniform's necktie shrugged softly, tickling my neck as I stared down at his seated form. I, standing in the middle of the janitor's room, carefully glided my fingers on his face, taking notice of every curve and detail. Eyes traveled from his vivid yellow obs down to his small, delicate nose which was tinted in a light reddish hue; I found his pink lips. Soft, thin, light pink lips.

A smile escaped my lips, earning a grin from my companion. 

"No. I don't think you have a pretty mouth." Faithfully answering his question, I forcefully turned his face so that it faced the mirror.

 "Now, stay still. I'll begin cutting your hair."

"Good!" The bleaching looks professional!" He cheered, arms raising over his head, smile on his mouth

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"Good!" The bleaching looks professional!" He cheered, arms raising over his head, smile on his mouth.

"Sure, sure. Don't try to get yourself out of paying me." I held his wrist tightly, but without any intention of hurting him. He nodded and followed my command by taking out his wallet, five hundred yen were placed in my hand. "Nice doing business with you. Good day." I commented, not sparing him a glance, determined steps towards the door. 

"But, wait!" Bachihara yelled, hurriedly walking towards me. "Do you, I don't know, want to go get a drink? As a way to repay you. Five hundred yens are not enough for how happy I feel!" Beaming with childish excitement, he shook my hand, a warm feeling settling in my chest.

"No. Good day." 

I rushed to the entrance, slamming the door shut as I exited. My heart bounced nonstop. Please, stop, dear heart. Stop beating that fast. A hand flew to my chest, breath unsettled, cheeks warm.

My footsteps became louder, as I stopped jogging and began running. Thoughts I had ignored for the last hour came running back to me. Desperately wanting to ensconce myself in my room, I spurted toward my house, hot breaths escaping my mouth.

But the more I ran, the more I thought. In the end, I couldn't hold it anymore. My mind was full of it.

I was stuck.

Stuck on what?

On how pretty he was.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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