8. Exercise

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In Okinawa, people over eighty and ninety years old are still highly active. They don't stay home looking out the window or waste time reading the newspaper. They walk a lot, do karaoke with their neighbors, and get up early in the morning. They don't go to the gym or exercise intensely, but they rarely stop moving during their daily routines. Regular access to sunshine and exercise makes them healthier, with stronger bones, higher vitamin levels, and a brighter mood.

The real reason we don't exercise is our desire to avoid any experience of discomfort. To stay healthy, you don't need to go to the gym for an hour daily or run marathons. As Japanese centenarians show us, all you need is to add movement to your day.

Practicing any Eastern discipline, like Yoga, Qigong, and Tai Chi, is an excellent way to seek harmony between your body and mind. In doing so, you can face the world with strength, joy, and serenity. In addition, these gentle exercises offer extraordinary health benefits and are suitable for anyone who struggles to stay fit.

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