CH. 1.

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Nothing but silence as i sat on a bench, starting at the waves crashing into the shore. My mind was empty, only a numb feeling being present. I took a breath in and closed my eyes, taking in the smell of the sea and the sound of the waves, the peaceful sound of the waves fighting their way to the shore.

Opening my eyes, i stood up and grabbed my shoes, walking towards the sea and letting the water hit my feet. The anger and frustration i was feeling earlier was all suddenly gone, looking behind me, i see him coming towards me with a smile on his face and carrying something in his arms, our fight from earlier seeming meaningless as i stared at his beautiful eyes.

I'll start from the beginning.




My name is Elanor Reed, yes Elanor, not Eleanor. My great grandmother's name was Elanor, and my parents named me after her, she passed away when i was 3 so i don't remember much but my mother cries often, missing her late mother.

At the age of 17, my parents met each other at an opera. My mother fell in love with him and he fell for her, they claim it to be love at first sight and they dated almost immediately, a year later i was born. As fast as it was, they don't regret it and they have never been happier, after i had turned five, my little sister astrid was born, the attention was often given to her since she was younger but i remember how jealous i felt that i didn't receive equal attention.

yes, i was a big girl and i could take care of myself by the time i was seven, but the need for my parents love and affection was one i yearned big, they love me and obviously have never treated me in a wrong way, but as a daughter i can't help the jealousy at times.

i'm nineteen years old and i just finished high school, i don't plan on going to college due to the issue of not knowing what my passion even is. i enjoy baking, and everyday since i was 16, i've been working at my parents little bakery shop which is quite successful and sells the most delicious tarts. we live in Amsterdam, though i dream of moving somewhere far away for personal reasons.

Hours went by as i sat down on the stool, reading a book and waiting. the shop was rather slow today but i didn't mind, considering i was so into the book i was reading. the bell of the door rings as an elderly woman walks in with what seems to be her grandchild, she buys a chocolate filled pastry and breaks it in half, giving the half to her grandchild, and then they're gone.

again, that feeling, that feeling of jealousy appeared and i hated how i craved the feeling of being as important as that child was to his grandma. i close my book for the second time as the bell rings yet again, this time it's a tall man with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. he was somewhat breathtaking and my mouth wouldn't open despite him asking me which pastries weren't sweet.

"ma'am?" his voice rang through my ears and i quickly looked up, immediately apologizing. "i apologize, yes, what was the question?" "which pastries are not sweet?" he smiled at me, his deep voice had a bittersweet effect on me. i pointed out the pastries and he stood there staring at them for quite a while. the world went silent, it felt as if everything stopped moving and we were the only two people in the world.




the blonde with the unknown name became a daily customer, every single day he would buy a coffee and sit at a table and read, small conversation was exchanged here and then between us but it was minor. it had been almost two weeks since this routine started, his face was astonishing to look at, so i didn't mind it at all.

like clockwork, he walked in at the same time as everyday and walked towards the counter. "coffee, please." he said in the same monotone as always, turning my back towards him, i began making the coffee, hearing him clear his throat before speaking again.

"would you perhaps be busy tonight by any chance?" that was the first time i heard him stutter, quickly turning around, i stared into his eyes, trying to find something in them, before shaking my head. "no, i'm available after 4." he grabbed his coffee from my hands, his own being warm, he takes out the money from his pocket and gives it to me. "erwin." he says blatantly. "my name is erwin, what's yours?" "elanor." nothing else was said as he nodded and wrote an address and time on the notepad, leaving right after.

after i got off my shift, i took my apron off and began my walk home, the paper with the address and time in my hand as i stared at it. 'erwin' i thought, smiling.

soon reaching home, i went upstairs and took my shirt off, changing it into a beige sweatshirt with bell bottom jeans, and red converse. leaving my house, i walked along the sidewalk to the address on the paper, looking around at the scenery, it was always so beautiful and worth admiring. soon arriving to the place, i realize its a university, before i can even enter, i feel a hand tap me on the shoulder, turning around to see him.

"did you wait long?" he asked as and i shook my head, following him as he began leading me to what seemed to be an office, his office. he closed the door and places the bag of food on his desk, smiling as he took off his scarf and coat. he turned on what seemed to be a radio and i knew the song that played. it was a little sound by the Lumineers. a favorite.

"i thought we would maybe have lunch in my office and i would try getting to know you better, since you seem so mysterious and interesting." he said. "i think it might be the other way around if i'm being quite honest." he laughed at my statement and sat down on the chair beside me, my feet coming up as my arms wrap themselves around my legs.

he hands me a sandwich and i take it out from the foil, both of us beginning to eat. "so tell me about yourself-" i look at his desk and smile. "mister smith." he chuckled before looking into my eyes. "i'm 21." is all he says before shaking his head. "what about you?" "19." he nods and takes another bite out of his sandwich.

time flew as we talked endlessly about ourselves, turns out erwin is a college professor, he teaches english, he was born here and he was an only child, his parents passed when he was in high school and he lived with his aunt up until he was eighteen.

when it was my turn to talk about myself, he just sat there and listened, his eyes never leaving me. the moon rose to the sky and i knew, i knew this was something that would get interesting with time.





ELANOR. {erwinxreader}Where stories live. Discover now