CH. 4.

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sometimes i wonder why the world is so selfish. why it is that no matter how much we have, we always want more. why is the human mind so incredibly selfish? 

i used to think it was my fault, that every issue was my fault, and to this day i wonder if that is selfish of me.




the kiss.

it felt like a million butterflies were dancing in my stomach. 

the world had suddenly stopped and it was just us two in the whole universe.

is that what love feels like? is it weird that i think this is love? am i even allowed to be loved anymore? the most selfish human being and yet here i am, having something and enjoying it as if i deserve it. 

his lips moved ever so gently against mine, his hand cupped my face and his hair trickled against my forehead. everything was so bittersweet. it was amazing. my hands on his jaw, our lips moving in sync so beautifully. the kiss felt so short yet so long, my heart was pounding against my chest and when my hands moved down to his chest, i could feel his heart pounding just as fast as mine.

he broke the kiss and stared into my hazel eyes, the feeling being something i've never felt before. not a word was said. the only thing being heard was both of us catching our breaths as he laid his forehead against mine. oh, how i adored the man in front of me. just now i noticed things i never noticed before. 

the faint freckles all over his face, the mole on his bottom lip, how blue his eyes were, almost as blue as the ocean. how can a human being be so perfect and flawless? 

"you're so beautiful." he said, smiling as he pulled away but kept staring at me, his eyes refusing to leave mine. "you're just saying that." he shook his head. "i'm not. you're the most beautiful woman i've ever met, elanor." my cheeks flushed, breaking the eye contact i looked down to my fiddling hands. he immediately cupped my cheeks again to lift my face and force me to look at him. his hands despite looking rough, were so soft. 

they were always so soft. 

"i don't lie." he says with a bright smile plastered on his face before looking away at his clock. "it's late. i'll take you home." i shook my head, grabbing his arm. "no, its okay. i don't wanna go home tonight." he chuckled before nodding, holding my hand in his own, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. "then stay with me." he hesitantly says as he looks into my eyes, trying to find an answer to his request. "okay.." 




i woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. a huge bedroom, very modern. 

there were strong arms holding me, i turned to see erwin. he looked so peaceful as he slept, i ran my fingers through his hair, caressing his cheek. he gently pulled me closer to him as he groaned and opened his eyes. "good morning." he whispered in his deep morning voice, his eyes closing right after he spoke. "rise and shine." i sat up, stretching, despite him wearing a shirt, his abs were very much visible, it was quite the sight to wake up to. 

i got up from the bed, nothing but erwins shirt and my underwear on my body. i made my way towards what seemed to be the bathroom before going towards the sink and tying my hair up in a ponytail, grabbing soap and beginning to wash my face. he had laid out a spare toothbrush for me the night before. "how thoughtful..." you whispered to yourself, putting toothpaste on the toothbrush before beginning to brush your teeth, strong arms wrapping around your waist as you lifted your head to see the tall man behind you. 

"this is a nice sight to see first thing in the morning." he said, rubbing small circles on my waist. you spit out the toothpaste and chuckled. "you look good when you wake up in the morning." he laughed before flipping his imaginary hair. "i always look good, darling." he said, stretching and you nodded. "that is 100% true." you laughed, shaking your head as he began to brush his teeth.

you exited the bathroom and walked towards the door, opening it to reveal the huge kitchen, making him breakfast sounded nice. you made your way towards the fridge and opened to reveal multiple veggies and all sorts of other things. you grabbed some eggs and some bread, spreading some butter on it before toasting it and beginning to make the eggs. 

you could get used to living in such a fancy house, it made you feel very warm inside to even think about that. "stop letting your imagination run wild, elanor. you're not even dating him" you said to yourself, groaning. 

"it smells delicious." erwin said as he walked out of the bedroom, grabbing a cup from one of the cabinets and pouring orange juice for himself, chugging it before pouring more and placing the glass on the island top for you. "well, hopefully you enjoy it." you said, placing the eggs on a plate with two pieces of toast before handing it to him, watching him sit at a stool and beginning to eat the breakfast you made for him. sitting down together, you talked for awhile about everything and anything. 

of course, the conversation was interrupted by both of you not being able to keep your lips to yourselves. ever since you kissed yesterday, you couldn't seem to stop. his hands made their way under your shirt, gripping your waist as you both made out.

a loud buzz interrupted the kiss.

your phone.

he sighed as you stopped kissing, laying his head on your shoulder as you answered your mothers call.

"elanor, where are you? reiner is here and he says you guys had plans to speak today." she said sternly, you sighed before looking at erwin, hanging up once you told your mother you were on your way. "you have to leave?" he asked in a sad puppy voice as you laughed, putting your pants on and keeping his shirt on. "yes, but i'll try to come back as soon as i can." he nodded with a smile, kissing you one last time. "be quick." he says before you nod and grab your coat, leaving and beginning to make your way home. 

not knowing how much your life would change in one day. 





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