Chelsea "The social media bitch"

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Chelsea crossed her long, slender legs and sipped the glass of champagne in front of her with one hand while the other tapped her mobile posting to her followers and logging likes. Lifting the phone and tilting her head back she took a selfie of herself carefully capturing the name of the exclusive bar in the background. Chelsea posted it, making sure to use a filter that would show her at her best. Another shot captured the bags from the designer stores she'd been in earlier. She then scrolled through the other posts taking the time to make bitchy, spiteful replies where she felt it would cause the most distress. Any attention was good as far as Chelsea was concerned and she tended to spend almost an equal amount of her time being unpleasant and controversial as she did on promoting herself to the thousands of random strangers whose opinions and likes she craved. Spotting a photo of a curvy woman in shorts and a tight top she posted "nice outfit but if you fancy losing weight follow me for tips and advice." Chelsea didn't see it as being personal or rude, she viewed the way she responded to people as "edgy" and "honest" and regularly spouted some nonsense about her freedom of speech, which was more like the freedom to be rude and nasty as it does for most people who use that phrase a lot.

When the waitress approached her table Chelsea ignored her while she finished her posting, the waitress, new to the role and anxious about clearing the table quickly enough leaned round her to get the now empty glass. Chelsea glared at her "You've completely ruined the photo I was taking you stupid girl. Get me the bill." Chelsea was oblivious to the girl's hurt expression as she returned to the world of social media posting. The girl scuttled off; tears stung the back of her eyes but she sniffed them back. Chelsea looked up from her phone as the bill arrived on the table and noticed what looked like a homeless man sitting on a bench near her table. He was staring in her direction, and she curled her lip in disgust before snapping her fingers for the waitress "can't you do something about him?" she jabbed her finger towards the homeless man. "He's staring at me, and it gives me the creeps." The waitress shot a frightened look at the man "I'm sorry Miss but I can't control who sits outside of our business." Chelsea sighed "I'm not sure I'll be coming here again; I'll ask my followers what they think." Paying with her gold card but making sure not to leave a tip Chelsea jumped up with her bags in one hand and her phone superglued to the other. Passing the homeless man, she glanced at the empty coffee cup next to him "sorry I don't have any cash, do you take card?" laughing loudly she turned her phone and snapped a shot "one for my followers so they know who you are, I'll tag it "the pervert who stares at young women" I think." Magnus narrowed his eyes as she pranced off, swinging her bags as she went then he quietly got up and followed her along the high street. Chelsea was so absorbed in her phone she didn't notice him behind her and continued on her way, upsetting people as she went. He watched as her carelessly swung bag hit a small girl in the face knocking her to the floor, the child immediately started wailing and when the mother dared to berate her Chelsea responded that she should take better care of her kids and if she couldn't she shouldn't have any. Snapping an unsolicited photo of them both she quickly posted it to her followers with just that sentiment attached to the post.

Reaching the end of the high street Chelsea suddenly decided not to get a cab home, she'd walk through the park instead, she thought, that way she could get some decent selfies. Dusk was starting to fall, and Chelsea ignored the creeping feeling of discomfort and focused on how to catch both herself and the sunset whilst still holding a pose that showed her at her best. Lifting her phone and tilting her head in a way that she believed made her eyes look bigger and her face slimmer she experimented with various poses and shots until she'd found the one, she was happy with. Looking up from her phone she noticed the homeless guy was stood under a tree watching her again, not feeling as confident out here in the deserted park she ignored him. The man clicked his tongue and Chelsea rolled her eyes, how annoying, he was going to be really intrusive and now it sounded as though there was a cat prowling about. Chelsea was frustrated, her planned selfie session was completely ruined. The annoying tramp clicked his tongue again, twice this time, Chelsea was about to shout over to him when she felt something brush her ankle, it was too big to be a cat but too small for a dog and its hair was bristly and harsh. She looked down and then recoiled as a dozen wrinkled brown faces and cold black eyes looked back at her, she stumbled away but they flooded forwards and wrapped themselves around her lower legs and ankles, climbing on top of each other to stop her moving away. Chelsea opened her mouth to scream but it froze in her throat as the first of the sharp, needle like teeth dug into her legs, blood flowed over the wriggling, writhing bodies. It soaked into their course hair and stained their yellow teeth. The man was still staring at her, and she begged with her eyes for him to save her, but he shook his head and stood silently by while the creatures feasted. Suddenly they all moved back just enough to let her fall before nudging their way under her back and lifting her up, Chelsea was floating in and out of awareness by this point, she tried to tip herself sideways, but the creatures sensed what she was about to do and kept her in place. Chelsea's head flopped back, she could see the pinks, blues, oranges and reds of the sunset and she closed her eyes unable to bear to see something so beautiful, she could hear a strange chattering sound as though the creatures were communicating with each other and then she mercifully passed out.

When Chelsea came round, she was in some sort of tunnel and unable to move, the strange chattering noise was coming from a distant area and once her eyes adjusted to the gloom, she realised she wasn't alone. Chelsea was only aware that the thing next to her must have once been a man by the remnants of suit material among the lumps of flesh and what looked like a brightly striped tie. She felt vomit rising in her throat and took several deep breaths to stop herself being sick, she looked away from the mess of blood, torn flesh and fabric intermingled. Chelsea struggled against whatever it was that was tied around her wrists and ankles but there was no give, she froze as she heard the now familiar chattering sound coming closer and she fought harder to get lose. The sound of claws click, clacking on the concrete floor made her blood run cold "you won't get free" the voice belonged to the homeless man who now towered over her, his eyes glowed with anger, but his voice was even and controlled. "You've never cared who you hurt or upset Chelsea so why should I care now?" Chelsea's eyes shot around the room, the creatures had started pouring in and were eagerly awaiting their next instructions, the old man clicked his tongue twice and pointed at Chelsea. The creatures moved as though they were one entity, they covered her like a rough, dirty blanket, the feel of their squirming bodies and bristly fur making her cringe. Cold black eyes studied her body and looked for the starting point, more chattering and a squeal like fingernails on a blackboard and the biggest creature leaped upwards sinking its sharp teeth into the softness of her neck. Chelsea no longer had the ability to make a sound, but she screamed silently as the creature ripped out her throat and her mind finally shattered as she heard it chewing on her flesh. By the time the rest of the pack had started feasting Chelsea was gone, her brain had shut down from the horror and she was in a dark, quiet place waiting for death to claim her. 

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