Rainy Nights

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Author Note:

Hello guys!Here I am back with a purely fluffy story cause, who doesn't like fluffy MA stories? hahahaThis was inspired by Mile's rainy story a million years ago where he posted a pic of his sunroof with a song then Apo did the same thing (different song tho) and we all lost it when the dots were connected...good times...Anywhore, different to my other stories, this one has no dialogue. I believed not to be necessary for them to convey their feelings and have a good time, so I hope I managed to portray that,Hope you guys can enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!


It was the monsoon season, meaning it was almost a never-ending, everlasting, continuous rainy days, and although Apo loved rainy days, continuous rain and thunder

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It was the monsoon season, meaning it was almost a never-ending, everlasting, continuous rainy days, and although Apo loved rainy days, continuous rain and thunder...no so much.

Both he and Mile had been 'trapped' inside the apartment for three days now, most of the streets were somewhat flooded or impassable, so there was nowhere to go, and a walk was out of the question unless it was absolutely necessary, like to the grocery store or something like that. Still, Apo was bored and he needed to get out, even if it was to the front of the apartment building. He was fidgety and hyper, almost feeling claustrophobic. He just needed some fresh air.

Mile, knowing his man so well, grabbed his car keys, put on a hoodie and threw one of his to Apo and, without a word, nodded towards the door. Apo's face lit up like Christmas. If Mile didn't knew him so well, he would have thought he just gifted the man the universe. Thank god he knew him well to waste brain cells on petty thoughts like that.

Apo wasted no time, throwing the hoodie on, he almost skipped towards Mile and out the apartment, where they waited for the elevator to arrive and take them downstairs. Per the weather cast lady, today should be only light rain and most of the flooded areas had decreased, so Mile assumed it would be safe to just drive his car around the corner and just relax.

Apo hummed happily, grabbing Mile's hand and interlocking their fingers as he almost sped walked towards the car. Patiently, like a puppy waiting on its master, Apo waited for Mile to open his door. Once before he tried to open his own door (he was a man and very capable of opening his damned car door...or any door m, thank you very much), but Mile threw a whole fit saying how that was his right, duty and privilege as his lover, so now Apo just let's him do as he pleases.

Smiling like the lovesick idiot that he is, Mile reached from behind Apo and opened the door, pecking Apo on the cheek. As soon as Apo was comfortable inside, Mile buckled him in and rubbles his nose with Apo, stealing a peck at his boyfriend's lips. Blushing like a high school girl, Apo could only scowl and punch Mile on his shoulder, grumbling about sappy hopeless romantics and their embarrassing antics and how he would take revenge.

Chuckling to himself, Mile went around and, getting in the car, he started it and drove of. Apo, being the designated co-pilot, decided it was his duty to choose the music. Soon after, the soft notes and melodic voice of Caro Emerald singing "Ne Me Quitte Pas" filled the car, soothing enough to match the rainy night. A comforting silence engulfed them both, as they enjoyed the low-volumed music that was mainly on as background noise, and the foliage slowly passing by as Mile drove them around town.

The streets were almost deserted, with a lot of people staying indoors or staying away from the wet streets, which made it easier on them to enjoy some quality time without worrying about eyes on them. After some time driving around, Mile found a spot near Wat Arun, —a place they both enjoyed and often took walks around,— and parked. Lights off, ac blowing low, the sound of rain as it clashed on the steel of the car, the motor purring under them, and soft blues swiftly dancing through the air made the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing downtime. The moon full and bright shining down through the sunroof provided enough clarity without breaking the spell.

Amidst all this, Apo hummed in content, moving the backrest of the seat all the way down. Absentmindedly, he took Mile's hand on his, playing with his lover's fingers while he closed his eyes, enjoying the peace. Mile followed suit, arranging his seat the same way, one hand behind supporting his head while he admired the rain falling on his sunroof.

No words were exchanged. No sound besides the occasional car passing by disturbed them. They were on their own bubble...their own world, and nothing could break the spell.

This is what they needed. This is what they enjoyed. The fact that they didn't need anything else but their presence to enjoy each other's company tell them how comfortable they were with the other. How much they meant to each. How they were not going to let society and others rule or perceive how they should be as a couple. They were already unorthodox, might as well go all the way. Plus normal is way overrated anyways.

Apo turned his head towards Mile and smiled, a soft timid smile reserved only for Mile; his eyes shining brightly, rivaling the starts above. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, the windows fogged with the contrast of temperatures of the outside world and their own.

None of that mattered.

It was just them. Their own moment. Their time... and as the night slowly came to a close and the morning peeked from the horizon, Apo leaned in and closed his lips over Mile's, a brief yet sweet contact full of their true feelings and a promise...

Mile's eyes went wide in surprise. Very few times was Apo this bold and forward, not that he was complaining. He would always welcomed anything Nattawin threw his way. Still, such boldness should be rewarded.

As Mile felt Apo pull out of the kiss, he put his hand on the back of Apo's head and, tilting his own head, he deepened the kiss, not letting up for a second. As their mouth clashed and their tongues danced, Mile answered Apo's feelings from before, depositing every ounce of himself into his lover.

After all, they made a promise...

A promise of forever. 

Author Note:

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Author Note:

Wala it is done. Please let me know what you guys think of this, as well as to leave some love. I enjoy interacting with you all <3Until next time!Xoxo, Fany

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