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NovaStar is my sister. Really she didn't tell me. Eh. We usually don't say it but. Hey is it true I don't want her to get mad at me but is it true that your father killed your mother. Yes it is true. We both watched him do it. Anyways, where is that little brat? Brat. Yes we usually call each other names. You probably want to do a number on Starscream. Why, what did he do to my sister? He actually mangled her wings pretty badly.

Ugh, are you serious? I was sleeping when I heard a familiar voice. I woke up. Rubbed my optics and got up. I need something to drink anyways. I slid off and walked to the med bay. The doors opened and I heard someone say hey sis what a surprise.

Uh. Slipstream. When did you get here I said yawning. I heard my sister giggle, you must be still tired sister. Anyways why didn't you tell me that Starscream mangled your wings. Well I didn't know him at first. But it didn't come to my mind. I see. Hmm. What. Let me guess you two are in love. Both me and Knockout jerked our heads up.

Slipstream I said. Look I know when you are in love with someone NovaStar. I am your sister. You're all set Slipstream. Try to be careful with the gun and your wings alright. Okay. Anyways I will settle some things with Starscream myself.

Slipstream left and was upset. Ugh I hate Starscream. She leaned against the wall and put her head and closed her eyes and was thinking until she heard a voice.

Thinking Slipstream as always, said a voice. Slipstream looked over and saw Starscream. Why, you. She quickly went over and soccer punched him. Ow, hey what was that for? replied Starscream. That was for my sister, you piece of scrap. Sister what sister he yelled. My sister NovaStar. Wait NovaStar is your sister. Yes she is, why is that a problem? No. Not at all. Uh excuse me. Starscream quickly ran away to stay clear and far away from her.

Starscream was walking. Ow man that hurt. Jeezh. He went straight to the command center. He saw Soundwave working. Soundwave looked at him and turned and went back to work. Starscream I hope you have found something useful. Not really my Liege. But I have found out something. You've heard of the new femme known as NovaStar, correct my Liege. Yes the femme that you mangled her wings. Yes I do apologize for that on my behalf, my Liege. But that's not that. But we do know of Slipstream who is one of my seekers. Yes I do Starscream for the love of Primus, just get straight to the point I hate these guessing games that you do. Apologies my Liege. I have found out from Slipstream that she and NovaStar are sisters.

Are you sure about this Starscream? Yes my Liege I am sure of it. Look Starscream as it may seem good info I am not using this as a war or tactic is that clear. Now go. Try to be useful once in a while. And she is right. Right about what my Liege asked Starscream. That you are not always loyal. Because you can't even do a mission or a job that I address you to do. No go. Starscream went off furious; he really wanted to do a number on this NovaStar.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction NovaStar X KnockoutWhere stories live. Discover now