Hali introduction

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                                                                                  CHAPTER I

                                                                                   MY DEAD

                                                     Hello my name is Hali Romanos

                                                           And I'll tell you, my story.

                                                    It all begin the day I was born.......

                               18 February 1965 03:49 General hospital of katerini

"Why can't you see that my love is only for you there is no other man in my life who I love like I love you"cried a young teenage girl With raven black wavy hair that looked like it hadn't have been taken care of for months.

Her forest green eyes started where blood shot red and puffy from crying .

"Yeah right I bet that you said that to countless other man listen I want nothing to do with a child that's not mine and I definitely want nothing to do with a whore" Snarled a man with auburn brown hair as his ice blue eyes hardend he turned around and left and never came back leaving his past lover alone with a child.....

Those two where my parents...

After my father abandoned my pregnant mother My mother dropped out school and got a job at a restaurant to take care of me.

Even through all the hardship she faced She always made time for me We both shared love for movies and books we both also shared the interest of greek mythology.

She was my best friend.....

                                                                      57 Years later

                                   I'm dying heh how did it come to this.



                                        I got pushed of the boat by my friend.... 

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