Simple (Coco Jones)

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Coco Jones x G!P Reader

You knew exactly what you were getting into when you asked Coco to be yours. You knew exactly how Coco thought, how Coco acted. She was becoming distant, way more distant than usual. You knew she wasn't cheating, it wasn't that at all. You completely begged and asked her to tell you what was wrong, but she brushed you off, every time. "I'm ok, baby." "I'm just tired", you knew to some extent, that was true. But, you also knew something else was messing with her mind, which brought you back to where were happened to have been right now.

Coco sat a good distance away from you as you two watched a movie. She was close, but kept her space. It made you frown, you wanted your girlfriend closer to you, "Coco." You muttered, glancing over at the slightly taller woman. Coco blinks slightly and looks away from the tv to give you attention, "Hm?" She questions. You playfully did the "unspoken rizz" hand movement that you've seen multiple times on TikTok.

Coco cracks a humorous smile, "You're such a dork." She says softly, moving her body closer to yours. You wrapped your arms around her waist, burying your face into the crook of Coco's neck, "I'm your dork though." Coco tensed up, "Only yours." You muttered, not liking how Coco's body reacted to that one sentence,

"Can I be honest?" Coco unconsciously riffs, humming right after that. You chuckled, "New song teaser?" You asked. Coco hums, placing her hand on your stomach, "Maybe..." She says softly. You nodded, "Can I get a little teaser?" Once again, Coco went a little stiff, "I-I don't know, baby... it's not finished yet." You pouted playfully, "You always let me listen to your unfinished music though." You point out. Coco huffs, "That was back when we were best friends." She says.

You went silent. The way she said that sentence, the frustration in it made you want to crawl into a hole. You could tell you were starting to make Coco upset, so you just kept quiet. You weren't going to lie, that sentence hurt more than it was suppose to. Was Coco fed up with our relationship? Did Coco not want to be with me?

Did Coco ever want to be with me?

Coco's so hard and her walls took years for you to break down, even in middle school. You knew what she had been through, you kept patient. You had always been patient and will forever be that way. Coco was the first person to accept you for you and gave you love, even if she doesn't know it or see it that way, "I'm going to bed, Y/n." Coco says lowly, standing up. You didn't look at her. Your anxious gaze looked everywhere but at Coco. You couldn't look at her right now. You always felt like you were fucking up every time you did.

Coco stood there for a split second before walking to her room.

"Three years my nigga and she still givin you that hard ass cold shoulder every now and then? Y'all haven't even fucked yet." Your close friend says through your phone speaker as you got in, "Yeah... it sucks but when she's going through something, she completely shuts everyone out, including me." You said. Your friend scoffs, "Nigga, y'all been as thick as thieves for the past eight years before y'all started datin."

"And bro." You put on your seat belt, "Yeah." "Don't get upset when you hear her new single." That raises many red flags in your head, "What do you mean?" You asked. Your friend hums, "You'll kno exactly what I mean foo. When you listen to it. Good night, dawg." He says before hanging up.

You blinked and stared at the phone. Shaking your head, you started your car and left Coco's driveway. You rode with soft music playing in the background for a little while until your heard something that peaked your interest,

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