Stick Figure Headcanons: Band/Orchestra Kid Edition!

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We're now switching to Animator vs. Animation/Animation vs. Minecraft because I'm dying here and this is #3 in Second Coming, so we're catering to the audience ig *laughs*

Should I do x Reader or what...


---Goes in order of creation/seen first in series---

Victim, the one everyone forgets about: Piano. And also probably a secret talent for the xylophone, because I said so. 

The Chosen One, who was chosen: Flute and Bass. I just picture him playing this huge-ass bass with a poker face and like--

The Dark Lord, whose name is literally every villain ever: DRUMS DRUMS DRUMS. For obvious reasons. And the tuba, I can picture him playing it and it would be so funny. I feel like he'd also play the trumpet, but maybe that's just me. 

The Second Coming: Literally everything. He just doesn't know it. I figure it's part of his powers or something? :P

Blue: Drums, Bass, Cello. He'd also sing, but not a lot, and he and Red do kazoo duets on the occasion. 

Green: Literally everything, but Second is better at most instruments than him. He also sings like a real ✨d r a m a t i c    b o i✨

Yellow: and note blocks. 

Red: *kazoo noises can be heard in the distance*

Purple: Why can I see him and Green trying to outsing eachother? Oh right! Because that was Episode 29 of AvM! :O

King Orange/King Mango/Mango Tango: "I need no instrument except my voice." *proceeds to fail to sing* Purple laughs in the background. 

Dark Blue, what I'm calling Purple's dad(?): sticks. don't question it. 

Pink, Purple's mom(?): Flute and violin.  

Kickstarter Stick figure: Were they around long enough to learn an instrument? Probably not. ...Well, at least  Victim has someone to play cards with in the void. 

Aaand that's it! I will be writing more about the stick figures when I can. :D:D:D:D

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