Untitled Part 1

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There's a school called Ilvermorny. You probably haven't heard of it, it's in Massachusetts and this year, the Triwizard Tournament is allowed and it's being hosted at Hogwarts. I was going, along with Mena, Kiki and Jax as Ilvermorny representatives. We were really excited, today was the day we leave. The four of us got in the limo and left. It was weird, the driver would say a spell creating a portal and drive through it onto a bridge. At the end of the bridge was another portal taking you to wherever you want to-no supposed to go. We ended up on a field in front of Hogwarts. We four were known for our over-dramatic everything so of course our entrance had to be dramatic. I opened the sunroof of the limo and pushed myself outside on top and jumped out, Mena and Jaxon doing the same. The limo then disappeared back into the portal and left us.

People were staring at us as we stood there. We were wearing our Ilvermorny uniform minus the tights because those things are hella itchy. "Hello," I shouted "anyone want to show us to Dumbledore?" No one responded. I sighed grabbing my friends hands and advancing. "You must be the Ilvermorny representatives." A Hufflepuff said. "Erm... Yea, so can you take us to Dumblydore now." He smiled and held out his hand. I stared at it for a couple seconds before realizing I was supposed to take it. He brought us to Dumbledore then left.

"Ah, there you are. Welcome to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said. We smiled and nodded. "Seeing you will be staying here for a while, you might want to choose houses." He pulled out a dusty old hat and placed it on a chair. It started shaking then talked. "Why hello there." it said. Mena jumped back. "I will put this on your head, it will determine which house you will stay with." He placed it one Kiki's head "Gryfinndor." It said. Same with me and Mena. "Ah, I believe you would do better in Slytherin than Gryfinndor." The hat said, and then a lot of other stuff before saying he'd be in Slytherin. "I don't believe there are extra beds in the girl's room so I'll assign you three a different on. As for you Mr. Thomson there is an extra one in the Slytherin dormitory."

We were lead to a room with three beds, our stuff was already there. "You know this school is pretty dull." "Yea we should pull a prank or something." That was a good idea, just what would the prank be. "Uhm...guys we should get ready for dinner. It's in like 12 minutes and we have to make an entrance." Kiki said. She was the smart one of the group. She kept us on time and stopped us from doing anything too crazy.

~The Great Hall~

We were about to enter. Mena Kiki Jax and I were all 4th years with knowledge of a 6th year so we could attend the tournament . I wonder which one of us would get in. A muffled voice came from behind the hall and the doors started to open. Kiki and I ran forward and did a back two handsprings landing on the floor our right foot kneeling and right hand up, ready to catch Mena. She came running forward, doing a spell that shot red, white and blue out of the tip of her wand while jumping and twirling in the air, landing with both feet in our lifted hands. Jax walked forward, stars surrounding him as he knelt in front of us and spread his arms wide. The red white and blue surrounded us covering us so we could stand up and let Mena down and get into bowing position. The colors shot up making the flag without the stars, then the stars came right at the flag, landing inside is and the flag rippled and we bowed. The flag turned to ashes then disappeared. Once we were done everyone clapped. Jax had to leave to go sit with the Slytherins so the three of us went to Gryfinndor.

"We nailed it!" I yelled at them, as we found somewhere to sit. We chose beside a brown haired and red haried kid while Mena and Kiki next to a bushy-haired brunette. "Sup." I smiled at them. "I'm Alyssa, this is Mena and Kiki." The two smiled and waved. "Hermione."the brunette said. "That's Harry and Ron."she said for the two, since the were just staring. My eyes widened. "Now way. The Harry Potter." Kiki said. "OMG!" I fanned myself. "Damn, no one said Potter looked this good." Mena replied. The kid was pink. It took all of me to keep in the laughter I had bundled up inside. The other two pretended to drop something then silently laughed under the table. As they were laughing a paper airplane landed in front of me. Jax. It had to be. I kicked them under the table then opened it and read it.

I met Harry Potter's nemesis. Amazing isn't it. His name is Draco Malfoy. Hot fellow if I'm being honest. I was wondering if we were gonna do the whole 'We who shall not be named' at Hogwarts. It'd be so fricking funny I can't even.

- Jax

I handed the letter to the two to read and they smiled. "Accio paper." I mumbled, low enough for only me to hear. I pulled it out and wrote back.

Ha ha, loser. I met the actual freaky Harry Potter. I'm literally trying so hard not to die right here and now - Alyssa

Jax, ur gay is showing.- Mena

Bro ofc were doing 'We who shall not be named' we Have to- Kiki

I folded it into a paper airplane and flew it over to the Slytherin table. "You actually talk to Slytherins." Ron asked. "That's Jax." I said with a mouth full of food "He completes our group." I turned over to look at him. He was having a coughing fit and the guys around him were hitting his back, not as hard as we do, to help him. Once he stopped I stood up and shouted. "Jax, If you can catch this, I'll add alcohol to the drinks." I smirked. I backed up, positioning my hands as a quarterback would and threw it. Jax ran back, jumping up , and caught it with his two fingers. I pulled out my wand and changed all drinks just to wine. McGonagall changed some back though, mostly 3rd year and lower.

I got up and ran over to the Slytherin table, clapping Jax's back and flinging my arms around his neck, hugging him from behind. I tilted my head. "'We Who Shall Not Be Named' will happen but 'The Heathers' first. Actually no. Here we're called 'Charlie's Angels'. Perfect ain't it." I whispered in his ear, my hair brushed off to one side. He smiled. The other Slytherins were looking at him weird. "A Gryffindor. You're talking to a bloody Gryfinndor." The blondie said. "Good observation Draco." Oh so his name was Draco. My dear Jaxon has a crush in this kid. "Oh so this is hotty McHottster." I smirked. "I never said that." He replied, blushing . I sighed. " Jaxon, your gay is showing." He rolled his eyes before shoving me away. "Meet on the fields near the hut looking thingy. " I said before running back to the Gryfinndor table and taking my seat beside the golden boy." It's 'Charlie's Angels' now." I told Mena and Kiki. "My God yes, Ally. Finally." I rolled my eyes.

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