Untitled Part 3

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       "Shhhhhhhhhhh!" I whisper-yelled. We were currently trying to follow a Hufflepuff to their dorm and they were being very, very loud. "Would you be quiet!!" Jax whisper-yelled at them too. We tip toed and followed the Hufflepuff, I think Cedric, back to the Hufflepuff common room. He led us, without knowing it, to the Hufflepuff's room through an uncommon path that lead to, guess what. The Kitchens. We hid from the house elves as we picked some of the leftover desert. We hurried to get back to Cedric but Kiki stepped on something. It made a loud -crack- and Cedric stopped to turn back, but ended up thinking it was one of the elves. I stared at Kiki with wide-eyes before turning back to follow him.

Inside the common room was absolutely beautiful. It was yellow and bright orange with the sunset shining through the windows. There were couches that a couple Hufflepuffs sat in, reading and talking. " Jax, you follow him we'll find a way to get in the girls." I said, handing him the color changing dye. It was a mix. Some would get strawberry blonde hair, others redheads, and others would be color changing due to their mood. He took it and slid the hood of his Hufflepuff robe and went it when Cedric left.

The three of us grabbed ours and hid it under our robes, stepping out of the shadows. We watched a girl leave so we walked in. The sun shone most in here, lighting everything orange and heating our skin. We walked towards the bathrooms, which was a beautiful shade of a light brown, and looked for shampoo bottles. I had the red, Kiki strawberry blonde, and Mena color changing. We poured it all in the many shampoo bottles, they must take great care of their hair, and took out our wands. We put a spell on it so the hair dye would leave the shampoo after 48 hours. We could change it but I don't think so.

We walked out and met Jax at the entrance of the room. " Anyone catch you?" He asked. We shook our head no. "Wait, if we don't know our way here, how will we get back." To be honest, I never thought about that. It was just get there and do your business. I sighed, somehow Mena lead us out of the kitchen and now we were just wandering around. We took a left, then two rights, another left, and another. It got us somewhere near the dungeons. Good thing Jax is here. He lead us from there to our room than left.

"I'm excited for tomorrow. Are you?" Mena whispered, she didn't want to wake Kiki. "Yeah... Can't wait to see the reaction." It was around 1:00 am but me and Mena normally had trouble sleeping so we stayed up late. Tomorrow was when they'd pick out names from the Goblet. I wonder which one of us will get in. As if reading my mind she said, " I think you'll win . Out of all of us you and Jaxon are the bravest but you a tad bit more. If I get picked, I don't even know what I'd do. " I smiled. She was always so nice and encouraging. All of them were. We stayed like this for a bit before eventually falling asleep.


The morning came and we got up extra early to see the Hufflepuffs piling in with different colored hair. We got dressed and left for the Great Hall. Mena and Kiki were bursting with excitement by the time we got there. Going in we sat down and waited. A couple minutes later all the house had come in and were settled. Except Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff table was completely empty. The thing is, at least someone had to come for the table so we could all start eating and people were getting very hangry. And by people I mean Ron. " Where are they. I mean seriously, what's taking so long. Stupid rule, isn't it. Bloody annoying if you ask me." He continued ranting on how annoyed he was. Until they came in.

Strawberry blonde, Red, and more red, a brighter shade, head came walking, slowly, through he doors. Red cause they were either embarrassed or mad. Muffled laughs were heard from different places until people couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing. The whole of Hufflepuff sat down. I looked at Kiki. She held her wand under the table and muttered something, though I never knew what it was. The Great Hall watched as sparks flew from each head, tiny ones, dust-like, and they rose above forming two words. Charlie's. Angels. Of course they didn't know what that was but whatever. The three of us held hands under the table and murmured. "Dissiliunt." If you didn't know, it's Latin for explode, kinda. Kiki came up with the spell though. We watched as the letters turn to ashes and then vanished. "Charlie's Angels?" We heard. It was twins I'm pretty sure. All the reactions. Absolutely hilarious and Absolutely worth it. People were dying of laughter, us too. This though, was a basic prank, they get much much worse. Well right after that our plates were filled and everyone started talking again, our prank being the biggest topic.

Once all the houses calmed down, Dumbledore started talking. One more minute, he said, was all they needed before the Goblet started sprouting names. Funny, he was right. "The champion for Drumstrang, " he read. " will be Viktor Krum." I rolled my eyes. Obviously it'd pick him. Why not anyone else. I talked to a guy, his name was Ivan, he said he'd really wanted to go and put his name in, but he was part of the group of people that Igor wouldn't allow to enter. " To not embarrass me" he says. Ivan snuck his name in anyway so it didn't matter. I looked his way. He was smiling and clapping but I could see through all that. He actually looked really pained and I kind of feel bad. " The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" There were claps here and there but most of the people were disappointed. So I clapped. The girl with silvery blonde hair walked up and behind the door Dumbly dore said to. " The champion for Ilvermorny," He said, taking quite a long time, so the tension rose." Is Alyssa Marinov" I stopped. Me, actually. " Oh thank God! I'm happy for you Als" Kiki said.

I stood up from the table and walked forward, receive quite a lot of cheers and claps on my back. I went behind the curtain to find Fleur and Viktor. " Oh you got in! Zat's nice." She said. I nodded, not sure how to respond. "Yay me!" I cheered silently, not fully into it. Next came Cedric, who now had red hair, and looked absolutely riddikulus. Get it. " Nice job Ced." I said. he looked at me, sort of questioningly, but smiled. So we were the four champions. No, no we weren't. Because the door opened one more time. And let in harry. " What is it?" Fleur asked " Do zey want us back in the hall?" Nope. Turns out Harry's our fourth champion and Dumbledore's going crazy because of it. So after all the commotion, Harry is going to compete. He honestly looked kinda scared and I don't know whether to believe him or not.

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