Chapter 2

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I stand there just looking at my door nervous about what he'll say...about how I decorated my room. "Are we going to go in?" He asks, looking at me, knocking me out of my thoughts, I nod, and open the door.

"This isn't much, but uh I have bought everything in this room with my own money." I say nervously rubbing my neck. "That's cool, that tells me you like to take care of yourself." He smiles at me, "Well uh thanks, so what do you want to do?" He looks around and his jaw drops when he sees my posters. "What? Do you not like them..I know I'm obsessed." I admit a little embarrassed.

He starts laughing... Laughing? "What?" He stops laughing, but still smiles a little bit. " I like you." He says, and then he looks a little shocked he said it himself. I blush. "I think I like you too." I admit. We sit down on my bed. "Do you want to play 20 questions?" He offers. I nod. I've always heard of this game just never played it. "Favorite color?"
"Black & Red" I answer, "what about you?" "Same." "Okay so the next question is kind of personal...but why do you put make up on.?" I think about it. Oh wait cause of your bruises!!!, DUH! "I only wear it on occasions." I lie. He just nods, but looks like he doesn't buy it. "One last question." He pauses I wait for him to finish, "Will you be my best friend?" He asks his piercing blue eyes looking into mine. I can't help, but say yes. " do you want to have sleep over tonight?" I think it over will my parents let me? "I can have my Mom ask your Mom don't worry." He assures. I smile and nod.

After getting an okay from my parents and the look saying you-better-not-say-anything. Look. I walk out with Christian over to his house. We walk up to his room after me admiring his whole house. I gape, at how big his room is. Its like 10x the size of mine. "You like?" He also has band posters like mine. I couldn't handle not to lightly laugh a little on the inside. "So what do you want to do?" I ask sitting in his chair by a desk. "Black Ops?" He asks pulling out controller's. I smirk, "are you sure you can handle loosing?" He smirks back while holding back a laugh. "Game on!"

We've been playing for an hour now, and we're tied so whoever kills the other first wins. I'm pushing my fingers over the controls, I aim through my scope, and shoot him in the back. I jump up and scream "Ha!!! You loser hehe!!" I say pointing at him. He smirks, and stands up so were face to face, I blush. "Now, Now...who's the loser again baby girl?" He asks his lips mere inches from mine. I blush again at the name rolls right off his tongue. "You." I smirk, and run down his stairs. I am hauling until I turn around, and he's standing right behind me.

I keep cautiously walking back until I feel a wall behind me. Oh crap! Why'd you have to be so dumb! I look up at him, and smile shyly. He's so close I can feel his breath fan my face. "Who's the loser?" He asks again. "You." I say once again only to see his hands reach for my sides and tickle me! "St- op- plea- se!!!" I beg him I couldn't breath finally he stops. "Who's the loser again?" I start breathing normally again, "me."

He laughs.."I thought so cutie."I blush then finally ask, "why the nicknames?" I question giving him a smile. He blushes a little, "because they suit you, do you not like them?" He asks a little sad. "No! I mean no I like them...I just didn't uh-" I was cut off by him hugging me.

It was a warm hug, filled with happiness... I really like him... Maybe I could tell him about my parents...sometime. Wait!! What's wrong with you Avery!! You cannot tell him! You just met him! I sigh running a hand through my hair.

He gives me a curious look, "you okay?" I couldn't speak so I just shook my head yes. "So do you want to watch a movie?" I laugh, "Yes!! I love movies." He chuckles lightly I couldn't handle not smiling at his cute chuckle. Great...I'm going nuts over this guy...
"Hello! Avery!You in there?" Christians waving his hands in my face. Knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here, what?" He puts movies up in my face, "pick while I go get popcorn, and drinks?" I get all excited, "Yeah sure." I look through the movies: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Daredevil, Electra, Insidious, Scarface. These movies...I love them all!! Insidious it is.

I turn around real fast to run to the TV only to bump into Christian, and what do you know.. soda flies all over me, and my clothes. "Good thing I didn't bring the popcorn.." He starts laughing, and I join in with him. "You go to that bathroom, I'll go to the other one we'll both take a shower then when were finished we'll watch that movie." I nod, still laughing to myself.

After taking a nice warm shower I put on sweatpants with Pink Floyd wrote on them everywhere, that were baggy on me, and a black tank top that kind of showed my belly button piercing. I throw on some black socks and walk out of the bathroom only to see Christian.

Without a shirt on, and sweatpants that hung low on his hips, he seen me walk out he blushed checking me out, and I did the same. Then when his eyes see my face they grow big. What is he staring at?! Oh crap!! I forgot my makeup what am I suppose to say to him!? "Avery! What the heck happened to your face?!" He shrieks putting both of his hands on each of my cheeks.

I feel tingles when his hands meet contact with my skin. I stutter. "Uh-uh- nothing." I stagger out. "No, that is not nothing you tell me." He demands. I start crying. I can't tell him. My parents will kill me. "I- I can't." He sighs running a hnad through his hair.

"Come here baby girl." He has his arms out I run into them, he wraps my legs around his waist, and then I put my hands on his neck looking him in the eye. "I-I can't I haven't told anyone." He looks at me with a lot of concern. "I'm here, and I can wait until you want to tell me." I smile, wiping off my cheeks and standing up, "movie?" I nod
We watch a movie, and I decide that I'm tired enough to sleep. I fall into a deep sleep, but before I drift off I hear a voice whisper in my ear...clear, but faint "night babygirl. Sweet dreams." I feel arms wrap around my waist, and then I'm out cold.

       I wake up to a vibrating sound, I open my eyes barely to see my phone lighting up on the night stand. I pick it up to see the caller I.D MOM. I pick it up, "hello?" My voice dry, and raspy. I try to sit up only to realize I have two arms wrapped around my torso. I lay back down holding the phone to my ear. "Where the hell are you?! You were supposed to come home last night, and clean the house!" I pull the phone away from my ear, clenching my teeth to stop from saying something I will probably get beat for. Even though I will get beat either way. "I- I I am sorry I will be home in 5 minutes." I hang up still hearing her screaming. I sigh, I get up. I unattch his arms from my waist. Gathering my things.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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