Fifteen: Angelic Love (Soren's POV)

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Soren’s visions of his Mother’s tumult have continued to plague him, even during his time spent in class. His teachers words went through one ear and out the other as his creased temple flared in disturbance with the visions of Ravens plight becoming increasingly unbearable. Raven was tied with shackles, her body encased in a metal cage hovering over a body of lava, ready to descend at any given moment.

Why were he and his brothers wasting precious time in saving their mother? Second by second Ravens life could cease and the three would’ve had nothing to say about it. Soren exhaled when Penelope approached him, taking the seat beside her new found friend.

He welcomed the distraction and provided her with his full attention after vowing to find some way to speak with his entrapped and suffering mother. Penelope stole one of Soren’s pencils from his desk and wrote her name on the paper before her.

“You’re late.” He said in a successful attempt to free his mind from the images that sickened him. “I stayed behind in the class before this to catch up on notes.” Penelope said, handing their teacher a slip written by her former period teacher excusing her late arrival.  “Make sure you two are paying attention.” He says before reverting to his desk and continuing his lecture.

“How’ve you been?” She asked the troubled young witch, who in turn ran his hand through his brown hair, a physical symbol of his distress. “Okay I suppose.” He lied. “Trying to make it through this day.” Soren was tired, as explained by the slight bags that shined under his eyes. He lost sleep due to the all the happenings in his life that was keeping him from rest.

“And Jason?” Penelope asked, her ability to multitask on the teachers lecture and their conversation somehow forcing a strike of envy to erupt. “He’s okay. Still lovely. How about you?” Soren wanted to take the attention away from himself in every way possible, any other circumstance that forced him to be reminded of his life he needed to evade.

“Well...” Penelope begun, scribbling notes on paper. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

Great! Another secret needed to be kept hidden.

“What’s up?”

“For some reason, I can’t explain it. But-

“Penelope I’m to tired to have you beating around the bush.”

“Right.” She checked herself. “Sorry.”

“So what did you want to say to me?”

The teachers eyes peered over to their direction, signaling that their conversation should come to a halt or force the consequences of detention. Soren would rather die than have to hear his thoughts loudly enough in a silent room for four hours.

“After class.” Penelope said. “Meet me besides the gymnasium.”

Soren waited until the school day ended to speak with Penelope. He didn’t want whatever it was she was to let him know prying for every ounce of attention he had during his studies. He leaned against the solid wall beside the gym when Penelope appeared from around the corner. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the janitors closet that was nearby and shut the door. “What’s this about?” Soren asked, perplexed over her level of caution.

He looked outside the looking class from within the dark and small closet and saw the passing of students in the other side eager to get home. “I don’t want to freak you out.”

“Well consider me freaked.”

Penelope turned her shoulder to make sure there wasn’t anyone approaching and pulled out a pink crystal that could’ve easily been among the collection he and his siblings had in the basement. “You’re showing me a crystal?” He asked, taking the stone in his hand and studying its appearance.

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