Crash landing

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kyoka jiro was standing in the training field wit her new class.  They had just arrived here and were already takeing a test.  A quirk test at that, as if the entrance exams werent enough.  Her quirk, Earphone jack, isnt exactly useful for most physical activities at least not like everyone elses.  Their teacher, Shota aizawa, had just finished a speach about how unfair life was and how they had to cobat it before having the loud blond start off with the test.  his explosion hurt her hears since she had super hearing but she had learned to deal with it, the earplugs yaoyorozu made helped though.  

As jiro was called up to take her turn she walked up to the circle and took the ball from Aizawa and prepared herself to throw.  when she looked up into the sky though she saw something that looked like a flaming ball coming towards the field they were in. "Aizawa sensei, What is that?" She asked pointing to the ball of fire.

Aizawa looked into the sky and saw what she was pointing at, "I have no idea everyone back up towards the school whatever it is looks like its headed this way." The kids all moved away from the field and watched as the thing came close and closer before slamming into the ground and skidding leaving a long trench full or flaming debri behind it.  they all began to aproach the thing and as they moved closer they realised it looked like some sort of ship.  "stay back kids we dont know what this is or who sent it."  Jirou just stared at the ship listening for something, her hearing would pick up stuff before the others.  Then the hatch suddenly flew open...

Iniside the flaming ship moments after the crash landing.

Izuku had awoken form his unconciouse state after the ship slammed into the ground.  His head was pounding but he focused on his breathing and took deep breaths drawing in the force and allowing it to help him.  He took stock of himself and realized that his arm was definetly broken and he probably had a concussion. he looked around and grabbed his lightsaber and the satchel of holocrons before before looking for the emergency stim pack he had in his satchel.  Pulling out a simple adrenal and injecting it into his thigh. It wouldnt solve the problem but it would give him enough adrenline to get to a better place were he could deal with his injuries approprietly.  He then raised his good arm and used the force to push the release for the hatch witch flew up to allow hi to exit.  He slowly climed out of the ship and walked over to the right wing and pulled of a transmitter array hopeing that he couldnt be traked.  He than went back to the cockpit and made a makeshift sling for his left arm before stopping and takeing stock of the planet he was on. It reminded his of courescant but less populated, no air traffic so possibly less technology than what he was used to.  He than noticed the group of humanoid creatures staring at him and began to move towards them. as he aproached them he started to realize that they all had odd mutations. one male, or at least he guessed male, had a bird head while another one pressumably female was completly pink with horns. strange but not the weirdest creatures hes seen.

Once close enough to hear them he spoke, in basic "Hello Im Jedi padawan Izuku Midoriya," he bowed after that, "could you tell me what planet im on and what system im in please?" 

The man looked at him and spoke in very broken basic, (i dont know if aizawa is good at english or not so im just gonna say no) "What is jedi? What you mean what planet"

Oh this is much worse than he expected, or maybe much better depending on the situation in the rest of the galaxy. "Do you have any form of space travel?" He asked trying to gauge why this man didnt know what jedi were.  if they had space travel than the republic should have visited them by now to ask about the war and joining the senate.

"No space travel for 100's of years." 

hmmm so they had space travel but hvnt in a long time what a strange planet this is. he thought to himself.  as the were talking more people began to come out of the building behind them. many of them were around there teenage years and wearing uniforms while there were also adualts that came out all wearing different costumes, was what that women wearing a good idea around children?  

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