01- first encounter

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"Sorry miss, all the rooms are packed, there are no more rooms available" The man in the counter politely told Sohee.

"But sir, it's already late, I have nowhere to go, what if something happens to me?" Sohee dramatically gasped, "I'm gonna hold you responsible for it" She added pointing at the man.

The man started panicking and just stared at her, not knowing what to do.

"This always works" She thought smiling to herself.

Just then, an old man dressed in a black attire came, "What's the matter?" he asked the man in the counter.

"All the rooms have been occupied and this lady right here is insisting me to provide her a room" He responded.

The old man looked at Sohee and observed her for a while and gave her a smile, "We can't possibly let a lady wander off alone in the streets can we?"

Sohee was surprised by his statement and awkwardly stood still in her position.

"Please follow me, I'll escort you to your room" He stated and walked ahead after motioning her to follow him.

Sohee would be lying if she said she was not scared, in fact she was terrified, she was thinking of all the possible things that could happen to her but she had no other choice but to follow him.

It was either she follows him or spend the night in the streets.

The man didn't look scary, it was his outfit that she was scared of, he looked rather friendly and kind.

"We're here" The man spoke up and faced Sohee.

They stood in front of an old room which looked as if it hasn't been used for years.

"Unfortunately, this is the only room available, I hope your fine with it, and, it might need a little bit of cleaning as it hasn't been used in a while" The Old Man kindly told her with a warm smile on his face.

"I'm fine with it, Thank you" She thanked him with an awkward smile on her face.

The man, once again warmly smiled at her and walked away.

"He's kind, maybe I was overthinking?"

She shook off her thoughts and faced the door which had "Room 236" written on it.

She unlocked the door and entered the room and found it to be better than she expected.

Even though it looked a bit shabby, old and needed a little bit of cleaning, it was still a good place to stay in.

She dropped her luggage on the couch and decided to clean up a bit before going to bed.


"Gosh! I'm worn out" Sohee exclaimed, plopping herself on the couch letting out an exhausted sigh, "I can't believe I'm living alone" She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Sohee grew up in Gwangju, she never expected herself to be living in the city and that too, live alone.

Gwangju held a special place in her heart as it was the place where she had her best and worst moments, it was the place she wanted to forget yet at the same time the place she cherishes.

She came to Seoul to study as she got a scholarship because she passed the entrance exam at Hanlim university.

One of the main reasons why she came to Seoul was because she wanted to avoid her complicated family problems and members, but she never expected herself to be thinking about them, perhaps it was because she has never lived alone.

She decided to go to bed as it was getting late and she needed to wake up early the next day as she had to attend school.

She made her way towards the bedroom but got distracted by the small balcony near the living room.

She went towards it and saw the silhouette of a guy sitting in a bench looking at the gloomy sky.

At first, she thought she was hallucinating and decided not to pay attention to it but stopped right in her tracks when she heard the person sigh.

She widened her eyes and hastily ran to get a stick from the kitchen.

She approached the person slowly, with steady steps holding the stick, "Who are you?" She questioned latching onto the stick.

The guy looked at Sohee with a plain expression yet his eyes spoke millions of words.

He blankly stared at Sohee and averted his attention to the sky again.

Sohee was infuriated by his action and approached him, still holding onto the stick and stood in front of him, "Who are you?" She questioned again, pointing the stick at him.

"Ca-...Can you see me?


I never knew that the first chapter was this boring 😂😂

Meet you guys in the next chapterrr~

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