02 - I'm Sunghoon, Park Sunghoon

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"Ca- can you see me?" The guy asked with a surprised yet confused tone.

Sohee looked at him in disbelief, "No, I can't see you, I was talking to the flowers" She sarcastically replied rolling her eyes at him.

"Oh..." The guy muttered looking down.

"Wait, You just responded!" He exclaimed pointing at her with his eyes widened, looking extremely surprised.

Sohee scoffed in disbelief, "Took you long enough to realise that"

"Whoever you are, I want you out right now lest you want me to call the security guards" She demanded.

"I want to, but I can't, and you will only be making a fool out of yourself by calling the guards"

Sohee scoffed and called the security without saying another word.

A moment later, two guards dressed in dark blue came, "What's the problem miss?" They asked her.

"Can you please get that man out?" Sohee said pointing at the balcony where the guy was standing.

The guards looked towards the direction she pointed but saw no one.

The guards looked at each other and let out a sigh, "Miss, we have come across alot of pranksters like you, but please respect our jobs and do not repeat it again, we will not be tolerating such undisciplined act" With that the guards left.

"But-..." The guards were already out of sight even before Sohee could complete her sentence or say anything.

"I told you" The guy said approaching her, still maintaining a blank expression.

"Why can't they see you?"

"Because I'm, I'm not like you" He said looking down, avoiding her gaze.

"What do you mean? Wait, don't tell me-.."

"I'm not human" The guy lowly uttered but loud enough for Sohee to hear it.

"Then why am I seeing you? I thought I stopped seeing ghosts, WHY AM I SEEING THEM AGAIN?" Sohee snapped at him

"Aft-, after all I've done to stop seeing them" She whispered under her breath.

Without a word she dashed to her room and laid down her bed with teary eyes, "Mom, I'm starting to see them again, what do I do?" She slowly muttered looking at the plain ceiling with teary eyes.

Sohee woke up early the next day and walked out of her bedroom and saw the guy sitting on the couch, she doesn't know why but she wasn't scared of him, she wasn't intimidated by him.

Normally she would have freaked out by now but, somehow she had a feeling that he needed help, even though she doesn't know how to help him, she wanted to help him and surprisingly, she was willing to.

Sohee had the ability to see ghosts ever since she was young and she hated it, she was terrified, seeing the things others couldn't see freaked her out.

She made many attempts to stop seeing them, she once blind folded herself to stop seeing them but that didn't work because she could still feel their presence so at the end, she decided to face it, it was of no use denying the fact that she could see ghost so, she just decided to live with it.

Sohee's mom passed away due to cancer and things hasn't been the same after her death.

Her dad remarried and she was often abused by her step-mom and step-brother however, after her mom's death she suddenly stopped seeing ghost.

Until she met him

"Your eyeballs may come out if you keep staring at me like that" The guy suddenly spoke up averting his eyes to Sohee.

Sohee didn't realise she was staring at him as she was immersed in her thoughts, she awkwardly smiled and went towards the kitchen to make breakfast for herself but found nothing to cook.

"Shoot! I forgot, I just moved in yesterday"

She sighed and made her way to the restroom but stopped when the guy suddenly asked her a question, "Aren't you leaving?"

"I'm not leaving" She nonchalantly answered looking at him.

"Aren't you scared?"

"I used to be, and I still am..." She weakly smiled at him.

"But this is a thing I have to get used to"

"And plus, I would rather live with you than go back" She added.

Sohee looked at the time and realised that she was getting late for school so she hurriedly washed up and got ready for school.

The guy just sat there looking at Sohee with the same expression he had the day they met, Sohee looked at him for a while and approached him, "Since we'll be living together, let's try to get along, My name is Sohee, Han Sohee" She smiled, extending her hand for him to shake.

The guy was flabbergasted by her actions and just looked at her hand, contemplating whether to shake it or not.

"My arms are hurting" Sohee said letting out an awkward laugh.

The guy then extended his arms and introduced himself.

"I'm Sunghoon, Park Sunghoon"


The girl's reaction to knowing that she's living with a ghost is soo unrealistic 😂

Meet you guys in the next chapterr~

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